Francisco Pereira
Francisco Pereira
Machine Learning Core, National Institute of Mental Health
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Machine learning classifiers and fMRI: a tutorial overview
F Pereira, T Mitchell, M Botvinick
Neuroimage 45 (1), S199-S209, 2009
Learning to decode cognitive states from brain images
TM Mitchell, R Hutchinson, RS Niculescu, F Pereira, X Wang, M Just, ...
Machine learning 57 (1), 145-175, 2004
Toward a universal decoder of linguistic meaning from brain activation
F Pereira, B Lou, B Pritchett, S Ritter, S Gershman, N Kanwisher, ...
Nature Communications 9 (963), 2018
Revealing the multidimensional mental representations of natural objects underlying human similarity judgements
M Hebart, C Zheng, F Pereira, C Baker
Nature Human Behaviour, 2020
Information mapping with pattern classifiers: a comparative study
F Pereira, M Botvinick
Neuroimage 56 (2), 476-496, 2011
Semantic projection recovers rich human knowledge of multiple object features from word embeddings
G Grand, IA Blank, F Pereira, E Fedorenko
Nature human behaviour 6 (7), 975-987, 2022
A comparative evaluation of off-the-shelf distributed semantic representations for modelling behavioural data
F Pereira, S Gershman, S Ritter, M Botvinick
Cognitive neuropsychology 33 (3-4), 175-190, 2016
Reproducibility distinguishes conscious from nonconscious neural representations
A Schurger, F Pereira, A Treisman, JD Cohen
Science 327 (5961), 97-99, 2010
Data‐driven identification of subtypes of executive function across typical development, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorders
CJ Vaidya, X You, S Mostofsky, F Pereira, MM Berl, L Kenworthy
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 61 (1), 51-61, 2020
Generating text from functional brain images
F Pereira, G Detre, M Botvinick
Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 72, 2011
Distinguishing grammatical constructions with fMRI pattern analysis
K Allen, F Pereira, M Botvinick, AE Goldberg
Brain and language 123 (3), 174-182, 2012
Closed-form supervised dimensionality reduction with generalized linear models
I Rish, G Grabarnik, G Cecchi, F Pereira, GJ Gordon
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Machine learning, 832-839, 2008
Using Wikipedia to learn semantic feature representations of concrete concepts in neuroimaging experiments
F Pereira, M Botvinick, G Detre
Artificial intelligence 194, 240-252, 2013
Detecting significant multidimensional spatial clusters
D Neill, A Moore, F Pereira, TM Mitchell
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 969-976, 2004
Network, anatomical, and non-imaging measures for the prediction of ADHD diagnosis in individual subjects
JW Bohland, S Saperstein, F Pereira, J Rapin, L Grady
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 6, 78, 2012
The support vector decomposition machine
F Pereira, G Gordon
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning, 689-696, 2006
Knowing what you know in brain segmentation using Bayesian deep neural networks
P McClure, N Rho, JA Lee, JR Kaczmarzyk, CY Zheng, SS Ghosh, ...
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 13, 2019
Cell-type-specific recruitment of GABAergic interneurons in the primary somatosensory cortex by long-range inputs
S naskar, J Qi, F Pereira, C Gerfen, S Lee
cell reports 34 (8), 2021
Imaging the spontaneous flow of thought: Distinct periods of cognition contribute to dynamic functional connectivity during rest
J Gonzalez-Castillo, C Caballero-Gaudes, N Topolski, DA Handwerker, ...
NeuroImage 202, 116129, 2019
Assessment of traumatic brain injury
F Pereira, B Odry, HE Cetingul
US Patent 9,265,441, 2016
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Articles 1–20