Juan Carlos Rubio-Romero
Juan Carlos Rubio-Romero
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Métodos de evaluación de riesgos laborales
JCR Romero
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, 2004
Manual para la formación de nivel superior en prevención de riesgos laborales
JC Rubio Romero, M Rubio Gámez
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, 2005
Disposable masks: Disinfection and sterilization for reuse, and non-certified manufacturing, in the face of shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic
JC Rubio-Romero, M del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira, JA Torrecilla-García, ...
Safety science 129, 104830, 2020
Analysis of construction accidents in Spain, 2003-2008
AL Arquillos, JCR Romero, A Gibb
Journal of safety research 43 (5-6), 381-388, 2012
Twitter as a tool for the management and analysis of emergency situations: A systematic literature review
M Martínez-Rojas, M del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero
International Journal of Information Management 43, 196-208, 2018
Gestión de la prevención de riesgos laborales: OHSAS 18001-Directrices OIT para su integración con calidad y medioambiente
JCR Romero
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, 2002
Management of legal compliance in occupational health and safety. A literature review
F Salguero-Caparrós, MC Pardo-Ferreira, M Martínez-Rojas, ...
Safety science 121, 111-118, 2020
A model for the preventive maintenance scheduling of power plants including wind farms
S Perez-Canto, JC Rubio-Romero
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 119, 67-75, 2013
Analysis of the safety conditions of scaffolding on construction sites
JC Rubio-Romero, MCR Gámez, JA Carrillo-Castrillo
Safety science 55, 160-164, 2013
Science and technology parks: A study of value creation for park tenants
A Albahari, M Klofsten, JC Rubio-Romero
The Journal of Technology Transfer 44 (4), 1256-1272, 2019
Manual de coordinación de seguridad y salud en las obras de construcción
JCR Romero, MCR Gámez
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, 2005
Severity of electrical accidents in the construction industry in Spain
M Suárez-Cebador, JC Rubio-Romero, A López-Arquillos
Journal of safety research 48, 63-70, 2014
Analysis of investigation reports on occupational accidents
F Salguero-Caparros, M Suarez-Cebador, JC Rubio-Romero
Safety science 72, 329-336, 2015
Monitoring harness use in construction with BLE beacons
JM Gomez-de-Gabriel, JA Fernández-Madrigal, A López-Arquillos, ...
Measurement 131, 329-340, 2019
A comparative analysis of occupational health and safety risk prevention practices in Sweden and Spain
RM Morillas, JC Rubio-Romero, A Fuertes
Journal of safety research 47, 57-65, 2013
A model to measure sustainable development in the hotel industry: A comparative study
M Suárez‐Cebador, JC Rubio‐Romero, J Pinto‐Contreiras, G Gemar
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 25 (5), 722-732, 2018
Personal factors and consequences of electrical occupational accidents in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
J Castillo-Rosa, M Suárez-Cebador, JC Rubio-Romero, JA Aguado
Safety science 91, 286-297, 2017
Analysis of construction equipment safety in temporary work at height
JC Rubio-Romero, MC Rubio, C García-Hernández
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 139 (1), 9-14, 2013
A simulation-based optimization methodology for facility layout design in manufacturing
ER Zúñiga, MU Moris, A Syberfeldt, M Fathi, JC Rubio-Romero
IEEE Access 8, 163818-163828, 2020
Construction accidents: identification of the main associations between causes, mechanisms and stages of the construction process
JA Carrillo-Castrillo, AF Trillo-Cabello, JC Rubio-Romero
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 23 (2), 240-250, 2017
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Articles 1–20