Eddy Borges Rey
Citado por
Citado por
Unravelling data journalism: A study of data journalism practice in British newsrooms
E Borges-Rey
Journalism Practice 10 (7), 833-843, 2016
Towards an epistemology of data journalism in the devolved nations of the United Kingdom: Changes and continuities in materiality, performativity and reflexivity
E Borges-Rey
Journalism 21 (7), 915-932, 2020
News images on Instagram: The paradox of authenticity in hyperreal photo reportage
E Borges-Rey
Digital Journalism 3 (4), 571-593, 2015
Ontologies of journalism in the Global South
B Mutsvairo, E Borges-Rey, S Bebawi, M Márquez-Ramírez, C Mellado, ...
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 98 (4), 996-1016, 2021
Data journalism in the Global South
B Mutsvairo, S Bebawi, E Borges-Rey
Springer Nature, 2020
Data journalism sustainability: An outlook on the future of data-driven reporting
F Stalph, E Borges-Rey
Digital journalism 6 (8), 1078-1089, 2018
Encoding the UX: User interface as a site of encounter between data journalists and their constructed audiences
B Anderson, E Borges-Rey
Digital Journalism 7 (9), 1253-1269, 2019
Redes sociales y jóvenes en la era algorítmica
M Gertrúdix Barrio, E Borges Rey, F García García
Telos 107, 62-70, 2017
Apropiaciones imaginativas de la música en los nuevos escenarios comunicativos
M Aguilera, JE Adell, E Borges
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación 17 (34), 35-44, 2010
Actitudes y valoraciones de los jóvenes ante la TV móvil
A Méndiz Noguero, M Aguilera Moyano, E Borges Rey
Comunicar: Revista científica de comunicación y educación 18 (36), 77-85, 2011
Data journalism in Latin America: Community, development and contestation
E Borges-Rey
Data journalism in the Global South, 257-283, 2019
Periodismo de datos iberoamericano: desarrollo, contestación y cambio social. Presentación
E Borges Rey, B Heravi, T Uskali
Revista Icono14 16 (2), 1-13, 2018
Educating for a sustainable future through the Circular Economy: Citizen involvement and social change
A Carbonell-Alcocer, J Romero-Luis, M Gertrudix, E Borges-Rey
Comunicar, 2022
Educar para un futuro sostenible a través de la Economía Circular: Implicación ciudadana y cambio social
A Carbonell-Alcocer, J Romero-Luis, M Gértrudix-Barrio, E Borges-Rey
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación 30 (73), 21-32, 2022
Mobile phones and the news: How UK mainstream news broadcasting is stalling the video revolution
A Hadland, E Borges-Rey, J Cameron
Convergence 25 (3), 428-448, 2019
Data literacy and citizenship: understanding ‘big Data'to boost teaching and learning in science and mathematics
EL Borges-Rey
Handbook of research on driving STEM learning with educational technologies …, 2017
Hibridando el saber: investigar sobre comunicación y música
M De Aguilera, A Sedeño, E Borges Rey
Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 2010
Young People’s Attitudes towards and Evaluations of Mobile TV
A Méndiz-Noguero, M de Aguilera-Moyano, E Borges-Rey
Revista Comunicar 18 (36), 77-85, 2011
22. Journalism With Machines? From Computational Thinking to Distributed Cognition
E Borges-Rey
Towards a Critical Data Practice, 147, 2021
Data journalism sustainability. Digital Journalism, 6 (8), 1078-1089
F Stalph, E Borges-Rey
DOI 10 (21670811.2018), 1503060, 2018
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Artículos 1–20