Montserrat Galceran Mestres
Montserrat Galceran Mestres
CIC energiGUNE
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Sol-gel modified Pechini method for obtaining nanocrystalline KRE(WO4)2 (RE = Gd and Yb)
M Galceran, MC Pujol, M Aguiló, F Díaz
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 42 (1), 79-88, 2007
Structural evolution during sodium deintercalation/intercalation in Na2/3[Fe1/2Mn1/2]O2
G Singh, JM López del Amo, M Galceran, S Pérez-Villar, T Rojo
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015
The mechanism of NaFePO4 (de)sodiation determined by in situ X-ray diffraction.
M Galceran, D Saurel, B Acebedo, V Roddatis, E Martin, T Rojo, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 8837, 2014
A Co‐and Ni‐free P2/O3 biphasic lithium stabilized layered oxide for sodium‐ion batteries and its cycling behavior
L Yang, JML del Amo, Z Shadike, SM Bak, F Bonilla, M Galceran, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (42), 2003364, 2020
Advanced TEM investigation of the plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline freestanding palladium films with nanoscale twins
B Wang, H Idrissi, M Galceran, MS Colla, S Turner, S Hui, JP Raskin, ...
International Journal of Plasticity, 37, 140, 2012
Crystalline LiPON as a bulk-type solid electrolyte
P Lopez-Aranguren, M Reynaud, P Głuchowski, A Bustinza, M Galceran, ...
ACS Energy Letters 6 (2), 445-450, 2021
Poly (ionic liquid) iongel membranes for all solid-state rechargeable sodium battery
AF De Anastro, N Lago, C Berlanga, M Galcerán, M Hilder, M Forsyth, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 582, 435-441, 2019
Na–Vacancy and Charge Ordering in Na≈2/3FePO4
M Galceran, V Roddatis, FJ Zuñiga, JMP Mato, B Acebedo, R Arenal, ...
Chemistry of materials 26 (10), 3289., 2014
Investigation of sodium insertion–extraction in olivine Na x FePO 4 (0≤ x≤ 1) using first-principles calculations
A Saracibar, J Carrasco, D Saurel, M Galceran, B Acebedo, H Anne, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (18), 13045-13051, 2016
Cost-Effective Synthesis of Triphylite-NaFePO4 Cathode: A Zero-Waste Process
C Berlanga, I Monterrubio, M Armand, T Rojo, M Galceran, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (2), 725-730, 2019
Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline Yb:LU2O3 by modified Pechini method
M Galceran, MC Pujol, M Aguiló, F Díaz
Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced …, 2008
Synthesis, Structural, and Optical Properties in Monoclinic Er:KYb(WO4)2 Nanocrystals,
M Galceran, MC Pujol, C Zaldo, F. Díaz and M. Aguilo
Journal Physical Chemistry C 113, 15497, 2009
Plasticity mechanisms in ultrafine grained freestanding aluminum thin films revealed by in-situ transmission electron microscopy nanomechanical testing
H Idrissi, A Kobler, B Amin-Ahmadi, M Coulombier, M Galceran, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104, 101903, 2014
Effect of deposition rate on the microstructure of electron beam evaporated nanocrystalline palladium thin films
B Amin-Ahmadi, H Idrissi, ...
Thin solid films 539, 145, 2013
Rate dependence of the reaction mechanism in olivine NaFePO4 Na‐ion cathode material
D Saurel, M Galceran, M Reynaud, H Anne, M Casas‐Cabanas
International Journal of Energy Research 42 (10), 3258-3265, 2018
Towards high energy density, low cost and safe Na-ion full-cell using P2–Na0. 67 [Fe0. 5Mn0. 5] O2 and Na2C4O4 sacrificial salt
JM De Ilarduya, L Otaegui, M Galcerán, L Acebo, D Shanmukaraj, T Rojo, ...
Electrochimica Acta 321, 134693, 2019
High Performance Titanium Antimonide TiSb2 Alloy for Na-Ion Batteries and Capacitors
M Arnaiz, JL Gómez-Cámer, J Ajuria, F Bonilla, B Acebedo, M Jauregui, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (22), 8155-8163, 2018
Sodium vanadium nitridophosphate Na3V (PO3) 3N as a high-voltage positive electrode material for Na-ion and Li-ion batteries
M Reynaud, A Wizner, NA Katcho, LC Loaiza, M Galceran, J Carrasco, ...
Electrochemistry Communications 84, 14-18, 2017
Structure analysis of aluminium silicon manganese nitride precipitates formed in grain oriented electrical steels
N Bernier, C Xhoffer, TVD Putte, MGS Godet
Materials Characterization 86, 116, 2013
Nanoscale Characterisation of the Evolution of the Twin - Matrix Orientation in Fe-Mn-C Twinning-induced Plasticity Steel by means of Transmission Electron Microscopy …
A Albou, M Galceran, K Renard, S Godet, PJ Jacques
Scripta Materialia. 68 (6), 400, 2013
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Articles 1–20