Ignacio Ferrero
Ignacio Ferrero
School of Economics and Business. Universidad de navarra
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Citada per
The neglected ethical and spiritual motivations in the workplace
M Guillén, I Ferrero, WM Hoffman
Journal of business ethics 128, 803-816, 2015
A quantitative analysis of authors, schools and themes in virtue ethics articles in business ethics and management journals (1980–2011)
I Ferrero, AJG Sison
Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (4), 375-400, 2014
How different is neo‐a Ristotelian virtue from positive organizational virtuousness?
AJG Sison, I Ferrero
Business Ethics: A European Review 24, S78-S98, 2015
Human dignity and the dignity of work: Insights from Catholic social teaching
AJG Sison, I Ferrero, G Guitián
Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (4), 503-528, 2016
Must Milton Friedman embrace stakeholder theory?
I Ferrero, W Michael Hoffman, RE McNulty
Business and Society Review 119 (1), 37-59, 2014
Handbook of virtue ethics in business and management
AJG Sison, GR Beabout, I Ferrero
Springer, 2017
Corporate reputation in the business ethics field: Its relation with corporate identity, corporate image, and corporate social responsibility
R Leiva, I Ferrero, R Calderon
Corporate Reputation Review 19, 299-315, 2016
Business ethics: A virtue ethics and common good approach
AJG Sison, I Ferrero, G Guitián
Routledge, 2018
Exploring the Ethical Dimension of Hawala
DM Redín, R Calderón, I Ferrero
Journal of business ethics 124, 327-337, 2014
Some virtue ethics implications from Aristotelian and Confucian perspectives on family and business
AJG Sison, I Ferrero, DM Redín
Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2), 241-254, 2020
How positive and neo‐Aristotelian leadership can contribute to ethical leadership
M Meyer, AJG Sison, I Ferrero
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2019
Characterizing Virtues in Finance
AJG Sison, I Ferrero, G Guitián
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-13, 2017
Can finance be a virtuous practice? A MacIntyrean account
M Rocchi, I Ferrero, R Beadle
Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (1), 75-105, 2021
Ethical codes and corporate responsibility of the most admired companies of the world: Toward a third generation ethics?
R Calderón, I Ferrero, DM Redin
Business and Politics 14 (4), 1-24, 2012
Practical wisdom: A virtue for leaders. Bringing together Aquinas and authentic leadership
I Ferrero, M Rocchi, MM Pellegrini, E Reichert
Business Ethics: A European Review 29, 84-98, 2020
Aristotle and MacIntyre on the virtues in finance
I Ferrero, AJG Sison, GR Beabout
Handbook of virtue ethics in business and management 1, 2, 2017
The ethical dimension of industrial mass production: the role of transitive motivation
I Ferrero, R Calderon
Journal of Markets & Morality 16 (2), 2013
Milton Friedman: La politica economica de un pragmatista liberal.
I Ferrero
A MacIntyrean perspective on the collapse of a money market fund
A Roncella, I Ferrero
Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1), 29-43, 2020
Responsabilidad social y responsabilidad limitada en Milton Friedman. De un modelo shareholder hacia un modelo stakeholder
IF Muñoz
Revista de ciencias sociales 20 (4), 633-643, 2014
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20