Onofre Marco Alacid
Onofre Marco Alacid
Innovation Engineer, The Basement LAB
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Exact 3D boundary representation in finite element analysis based on Cartesian grids independent of the geometry
O Marco, R Sevilla, Y Zhang, JJ Ródenas, M Tur
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 103 (6), 445-468, 2015
An immersed boundary hierarchical B-spline method for flexoelectricity
D Codony, O Marco, S Fernández-Méndez, I Arias
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 354, 750-782, 2019
A combined XFEM phase-field computational model for crack growth without remeshing
A Muixí, O Marco, A Rodríguez-Ferran, S Fernández-Méndez
Computational Mechanics 67, 231-249, 2021
Modeling flexoelectricity in soft dielectrics at finite deformation
D Codony, P Gupta, O Marco, I Arias
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 146, 104182, 2021
Stabilized method of imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions using a recovered stress field
M Tur, J Albelda, O Marco, JJ Ródenas
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 296, 352-375, 2015
Robust h-adaptive meshing strategy considering exact arbitrary CAD geometries in a Cartesian grid framework
O Marco, JJ Ródenas, JM Navarro-Jiménez, M Tur
Computers & Structures 193, 87-109, 2017
Direct creation of finite element models from medical images using Cartesian grids
L Giovannelli, O Marco, JM Navarro, E Giner, JJ Ródenas
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing IV: VIPIMAGE 2013 167, 2013
Structural shape optimization using Cartesian grids and automatic h-adaptive mesh projection
O Marco, JJ Ródenas, J Albelda, E Nadal, M Tur
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1-21, 2017
Chapter 5-Assessment of problem-solving skills and capactiy for applying knowledge in practice in subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering
J Carballeira, J Martínez-Casas, O Sahuquillo, A Sonseca, JL Suñer, ...
Advances in Higher Education, 71-88, 2016
An extension of shape sensitivity analysis to an immersed boundary method based on Cartesian grids
O Marco, JJ Ródenas, FJ Fuenmayor, M Tur
Computational Mechanics 62, 701-723, 2018
Assessment of problem-solving skills and capacity for applying knowledge in practice in subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering
J Carballeira, J Martínez-Casas, O Sahuquillo, A Sonseca, JL Suñer, ...
Advances in Higher Education, 71-88, 2016
Propuesta de evaluación de las competencias de comunicación oral y escrita en asignaturas de Ingeniería Mecánica y Ciencia de Materiales
O Sahuquillo, A Sonseca, J Martínez, J Carballeira, FD Denia, ...
In-Red 2015-Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red de la …, 2015
Efficient 3D Finite Element Analysis based on Cartesian grids considering exact CAD geometries
O Marco, R Sevilla Cárdenas, Y Zhang, M Tur, JJ Ródenas
CIMNE, 2015
Numerical Simulation from Medical Images: Accurate Integration by Means of the Cartesian Grid Finite Element Method
O Marco, R Sevilla, JJ Ródenas, M Tur
Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods …, 2014
A locally adaptive phase-field model that tracks sharp cracks
A Muixı, O Marco, S Fernández-Méndez, A Rodrıguez-Ferran
Dirichlet boundary conditions in sequences of Cartesian grids using a stabilized Lagrange multipliers technique based on recovered tractions
JM Navarro-Jimenez, O Marco, M Tur, JJ Ródenas
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2015, 99, 0
Efficient integration within the 3D Cartesian grid Finite Element Method
JM Navarro, R Sevilla, JJ Ródenas, M Tur, O Marco
H-adaptación de mallados Cartesianos basada en proyección entre geometrías en optimización de forma estructural
O Marco, JJ Ródenas, J Albelda, M Tur
H-adaptive mesh refinement process for structural optimization processes based on sensitivity analysis
O Marco, JJ Ródenas, E Nadal, J Albelda, M Tur, FJ Fuenmayor
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Articles 1–19