Piers Howe
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Explainable AI: Beware of inmates running the asylum or: How I learnt to stop worrying and love the social and behavioural sciences
T Miller, P Howe, L Sonenberg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00547, 2017
Using fMRI to distinguish components of the multiple object tracking task
PD Howe, TS Horowitz, IA Morocz, J Wolfe, MS Livingstone
Journal of vision 9 (4), 10-10, 2009
Computer vs human: deep learning versus perceptual training for the detection of neck of femur fractures
M Adams, W Chen, D Holcdorf, MW McCusker, PDL Howe, F Gaillard
Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology 63 (1), 27-32, 2019
A laminar cortical model of stereopsis and three-dimensional surface perception
S Grossberg, PDL Howe
Vision research 43 (7), 801-829, 2003
Visual attention
KK Evans, TS Horowitz, P Howe, R Pedersini, E Reijnen, Y Pinto, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 2 (5), 503-514, 2011
Can we improve clinical prediction of at-risk older drivers?
AR Bowers, RJ Anastasio, SS Sheldon, MG O’Connor, AM Hollis, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 59, 537-547, 2013
The appropriacy of averaging in the study of context effects
SX Liew, PDL Howe, DR Little
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23, 1639-1646, 2016
Even arbitrary norms influence moral decision-making
C Pryor, A Perfors, PDL Howe
Nature human behaviour 3 (1), 57-62, 2019
Distinguishing between parallel and serial accounts of multiple object tracking
PDL Howe, MA Cohen, Y Pinto, TS Horowitz
Journal of Vision 10 (8), 11-11, 2010
The what–where trade-off in multiple-identity tracking
MA Cohen, Y Pinto, PDL Howe, TS Horowitz
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73, 1422-1434, 2011
Motion information is sometimes used as an aid to the visual tracking of objects
PDL Howe, AO Holcombe
Journal of vision 12 (13), 10-10, 2012
Predictors of gambling and problem gambling in Victoria, Australia
PDL Howe, A Vargas-Sáenz, CA Hulbert, JM Boldero
PloS one 14 (1), e0209277, 2019
Object tracking: Absence of long-range spatial interference supports resource theories
AO Holcombe, WY Chen, PDL Howe
Journal of Vision 14 (6), 1-1, 2014
Resource demands of object tracking and differential allocation of the resource
WY Chen, PD Howe, AO Holcombe
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 75, 710-725, 2013
Directive explanations for actionable explainability in machine learning applications
R Singh, T Miller, H Lyons, L Sonenberg, E Velloso, F Vetere, P Howe, ...
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 13 (4), 1-26, 2023
The more often you see an object, the easier it becomes to track it
Y Pinto, PDL Howe, MA Cohen, TS Horowitz
Journal of Vision 10 (10), 4-4, 2010
Failure to detect meaning in RSVP at 27 ms per picture
JF Maguire, PDL Howe
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 1405-1413, 2016
Extrapolation occurs in multiple object tracking when eye movements are controlled
T Luu, PDL Howe
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 1919-1929, 2015
Conformity to the descriptive norms of people with opposing political or social beliefs
C Pryor, A Perfors, PDL Howe
PloS one 14 (7), e0219464, 2019
Hemifield effects in multiple identity tracking
C Hudson, PDL Howe, DR Little
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43796, 2012
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Articles 1–20