Carmen Inés Ruiz de la Rosa
Carmen Inés Ruiz de la Rosa
Profesora Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas, Universidad de La Laguna
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Entrepreneurial intentions in diverse development contexts: A cross-cultural comparison between Senegal and Spain
FJ García-Rodríguez, E Gil-Soto, I Ruiz-Rosa, PM Sene
International entrepreneurship and management journal 11, 511-527, 2015
Social entrepreneurial intention and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic: A structural model
I Ruiz-Rosa, D Gutiérrez-Taño, FJ García-Rodríguez
Sustainability 12 (17), 6970, 2020
Empleabilidad percibida y autoeficacia para la búsqueda de empleo en universitarios
E Hernández-Fernaud, Y Ramos-Sapena, F Negrín, CI Ruiz-De La Rosa, ...
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 27 (2), 131-142, 2011
Development and application of a cost management model for wastewater treatment and reuse processes
I Ruiz-Rosa, FJ García-Rodríguez, J Mendoza-Jiménez
Journal of cleaner production 113, 299-310, 2016
Entrepreneurial process in peripheral regions: the role of motivation and culture
FJ García-Rodríguez, E Gil-Soto, I Ruiz-Rosa, D Gutiérrez-Taño
Innovation in SMEs and Micro Firms, 141-160, 2018
Entrepreneurial potential in less innovative regions: the impact of social and cultural environment
FJ García-Rodríguez, E Gil-Soto, I Ruiz-Rosa, D Gutiérrez-Taño
European Journal of Management and Business Economics 26 (2), 163-179, 2017
Water resources in the hotel industry: a systematic literature review
J Antonova, N, Ruiz-Rosa, I, Mendoza-Jiménez
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021
Condicionantes de la intención emprendedora en el alumnado universitario: un análisis desde la perspectiva de género
CIR de la Rosa, FG Rodríguez, ND Rodríguez
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época, 2014
Analysis of the potential of entrepreneurship education in young children
FJ García-Rodríguez, D Gutiérrez-Taño, I Ruiz-Rosa
Entrepreneurship Research Journal 9 (1), 2019
The Business Model Approach in Entrepreneurship Education: Impact on Undergraduates′ Enterprise Potential
FJ García-Rodríguez, D Gutiérrez-Taño, I Ruiz-Rosa
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 8 (3), 11-17, 2017
New methods in university entrepreneurship education: A multidisciplinary teams approach
FJ García-Rodríguez, E Gil-Soto, I Ruiz-Rosa
Creative Education 3 (06), 878, 2012
Project-Based Learning as a tool to foster entrepreneurial competences (El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos como herramienta para potenciar la competencia emprendedora)
I Ruiz-Rosa, D Gutiérrez-Taño, FJ García-Rodríguez
Culture and Education 33 (2), 316-344, 2021
Developing a methodology to recover the cost of wastewater reuse: A proposal based on the polluter pays principle
NA InésRuiz-Rosa, Francisco J.García-Rodríguez
Utilities Policy, 2020
Entrepreneurial intentions in the context of a collectivist economy: a comparison between Cuba and Spain
FJ García-Rodríguez, I Ruiz-Rosa, D Gutiérrez-Taño, E Gil-Soto
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-19, 2020
Promoting entrepreneurship education among university students: design and evaluation of an intervention programme/Fomento de la educación emprendedora entre el alumnado …
FJ García-Rodríguez, CI Ruiz-Rosa, E Gil-Soto, D Gutiérrez-Taño
Culture and Education 28 (3), 565-600, 2016
Entrepreneurship education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results of a case study in Senegal
FJ Garcia-Rodriguez, E Gil-Soto, I Ruiz-Rosa, PM Sene
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 20 (2), 1-15, 2017
Improvements in hotel water consumption: case study of a five-star hotel (Canary Islands, Spain)
N Cruz-Pérez, J Rodríguez-Martín, JF Acosta Martín, C García, ...
Urban Water Journal 19 (1), 32-39, 2022
Efficacy of an intervention program to improve employability of university students
E Hernández-Fernaud, CI Ruiz-de la Rosa, F Negrín, Y Ramos-Sapena, ...
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 20, E3, 2017
Social entrepreneurial intention and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic: A structural model. Sustainability, 12 (17), 6970
I Ruiz-Rosa, D Gutiérrez-Taño, FJ García-Rodríguez
Agua y turismo en Tenerife: producción, gestión y consumo
CI Ruiz de la Rosa, JL García Rodríguez, C Castilla Gutiérrez, ...
Vicerrectorado de Docencia. Universidad de La Laguna. Servicio de …, 2019
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