Melanie Morten
Melanie Morten
Associate Professor at Stanford University
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The aggregate productivity effects of internal migration: Evidence from indonesia
G Bryan, M Morten
Journal of Political Economy 127 (5), 2229-2268, 2019
Temporary migration and endogenous risk sharing in village india
M Morten
Journal of Political Economy 127 (1), 1-46, 2019
Remittances and the brain drain revisited: The microdata show that more educated migrants remit more
A Bollard, D McKenzie, M Morten, H Rapoport
The World Bank Economic Review 25 (1), 132-156, 2011
The Effects of Roads on Trade and Migration: Evidence from a Planned Capital City
M Morten, J Oliveira
A personal touch in text messaging can improve microloan repayment
D Karlan, M Morten, onathan Zinman
Behavioral Science & Policy 1 (2), 25-31, 2015
Border Walls
T Allen, CC Dobbin, M Morten
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series, 2018
The remitting patterns of African migrants in the OECD
A Bollard, D McKenzie, M Morten
Journal of African Economies 19 (5), 605-634, 2010
Migration and informal insurance: evidence from a randomized controlled trial and a structural model
C Meghir, AM Mobarak, C Mommaerts, M Morten
The Review of Economic Studies 89 (1), 452-480, 2022
Network-Based Hiring: Local Benefits; Global Costs
AG Chandrasekhar, M Morten, A Peter
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Settlement patterns and the geographic mobility of recent migrants to New Zealand*
DC Maré, M Morten, S Stillman
New Zealand Economic Papers 41 (2), 163-195, 2007
Transportation, gentrification, and urban mobility: The inequality effects of place-based policies
C Balboni, G Bryan, M Morten, B Siddiqi
Preliminary Draft 3, 2020
Could Gentrification Stop the Poor from Benefiting from Urban Improvements?
C Balboni, G Bryan, M Morten, B Siddiqi
AEA Papers and Proceedings 111, 532-537, 2021
Adjustment in local labour and housing markets
DC Maré, A Grimes, M Morten
Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, The 15 (2), 229-248, 2009
Encouragement and distortionary effects of conditional cash transfers
G Bryan, S Chowdhury, AM Mobarak, M Morten, J Smits
Journal of Public Economics 228, 105004, 2023
Defining Areas Linking Geographic Data in New Zealand
A Grimes, D Mare, M Morten
Missing migrants: Border closures as a labour supply shock
DC Maré, M Morten, L Sanderson
Evaluating the impacts of the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit System
M Morten, G Bryan, B Siddiqi, C Balboni
3ie: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, 2020
CSAE Conference: Migration and Labor Mobility Internal Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa
M Morten
The Remitting Patterns Of African Migrants In The OECD
M Morten, D McKenzie, A Bollard
The World Bank, 2010
Remittances and the brain drain revisited
A Bollard, D McKenzie, M Morten, H Rapoport
Policy Research Working Paper 5113, 2009
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