Albert M. Vossepoel
Albert M. Vossepoel
Hoogleraar (em.) Medische Beeldverwerking Erasmus MC Rotterdam en TU Delft
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A model based method for retinal blood vessel detection
KA Vermeer, FM Vos, HG Lemij, AM Vossepoel
Computers in biology and medicine 34 (3), 209-219, 2004
Vector code probability and metrication error in the representation of straight lines of finite length
AM Vossepoel, AWM Smeulders
Computer graphics and image processing 20 (4), 347-364, 1982
Adaptive vectorization of line drawing images
RDT Janssen, AM Vossepoel
Computer vision and image understanding 65 (1), 38-56, 1997
HIDACSYS: computer programs for interactive scanning cytophotometry
M Van der Ploeg, K Van den Broek, AWM Smeulders, AM Vossepoel, ...
Histochemistry 54, 273-288, 1977
A note on “Distance transformations in digital images”
AM Vossepoel
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 43 (1), 88-97, 1988
Largest contour segmentation: a tool for the localization of spots in confocal images
EMM Manders, R Hoebe, J Strackee, AM Vossepoel, JA Aten
Cytometry: The Journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology …, 1996
Automatic classification of ships from infrared (FLIR) images
PJ Withagen, K Schutte, AM Vossepoel, MGJ Breuers
Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VIII 3720, 180-187, 1999
Improving triangle mesh quality with surfacenets
PW de Bruin, FM Vos, FH Post, SF Frisken-Gibson, AM Vossepoel
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2000 …, 2000
A computer program for long term anticoagulation control
H Wiegman, AM Vossepoel
Computer programs in biomedicine 7 (2), 71-84, 1977
Fully automated whole-body registration in mice using an articulated skeleton atlas
M Baiker, J Milles, AM Vossepoel, I Que, EL Kaijzel, C Lowik, JHC Reiber, ...
2007 4th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to …, 2007
Quantitative assessment of wall motion in multiple-gated studies using temporal Fourier analysis
PH Vos, AM Vossepoel, EKJ Pauwels
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 24 (5), 388-396, 1983
A statistical shape model without using landmarks
FM Vos, PW de Bruin, JGM Aubel, GJ Streekstra, M Maas, LJ van Vliet, ...
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Interactive 3D segmentation using connected orthogonal contours
PW de Bruin, VJ Dercksen, FH Post, AM Vossepoel, GJ Streekstra, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 35 (4), 329-346, 2005
Feature-based detection of land mines in infrared images
WACM Messelink, K Schutte, AM Vossepoel, F Cremer, ...
Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VII …, 2002
Polymorphisms for human chromosomes 1 and Y: Feulgen and UV DNA measurements
JPM Geraedts, PL Pearson, M Van der Ploeg, AM Vossepoel
Experimental Cell Research 95 (1), 9-14, 1975
Automated tracking of the mitral valve annulus motion in apical echocardiographic images using multidimensional dynamic programming
ST Nevo, M Van Stralen, AM Vossepoel, JHC Reiber, N de Jong, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 33 (9), 1389-1399, 2007
Modeling of scanning laser polarimetry images of the human retina for progression detection of glaucoma
KA Vermeer, FM Vos, B Lo, Q Zhou, HG Lemij, AM Vossepoel, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 25 (5), 517-528, 2006
Adaptive histogram equalization using variable regions
AM Vossepoel, BC Stoel, AP Meershoek
9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 351,352,353-351,352,353, 1988
Delineating elliptical objects with an application to cardiac scintigrams
JAK Blokland, AM Vossepoel, AR Bakker, EKJ Pauwels
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 6 (1), 57-66, 1987
Determination of position and radius of ball joints
M van der Glas, FM Vos, CP Botha, AM Vossepoel
Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing 4684, 1571-1577, 2002
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Articles 1–20