Marta Cintas Peña
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Cited by
Gender Inequalities in Neolithic Iberia: A Multi-Proxy Approach
M Cintas-Peña, LG Sanjuán
European Journal of Archaeology 22 (4), 499-522, 2019
Amelogenin peptide analyses reveal female leadership in Copper Age Iberia (c. 2900–2650 BC)
M Cintas-Peña, M Luciañez-Triviño, R Montero Artús, A Bileck, P Bortel, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 9594, 2023
Burial practices and social hierarchisation in Copper Age Southern Spain: analysing tomb 10.042-10.049 of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain)
L García Sanjuán, M Cintas-Peña, M Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, ...
Megaliths, Societies, Landscapes: Early Monumentality and Social …, 2019
Género y Arqueología: un esquema de la cuestión
MC Peña
Estrat crític: revista d'arqueologia, 177-187, 2012
La desigualdad de género en la Prehistoria ibérica: una aproximación multi-variable
M Cintas-Peña
BAR Publishing, 2020
The non-adult population at the Copper Age settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain): a demographic, contextual and sociological approach
M Cintas Peña, L García Sanjuán, M Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, ...
Trabajos de Prehistoria, 75 (1), 85-108., 2018
Missing prehistoric women? Sex ratio as an indicator for analyzing the population of Iberia from the 8th to the 3rd millennia BC
M Cintas-Peña, AM Herrero-Corral
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 (11), 263, 2020
Defining the" elites": a comparative analysis of social ranking in Copper Age Iberia
LG Sanjuán, MC Peña, M Bartelheim, ML Triviño
Überschuss ohne Staat-Politische Formen in der Vorgeschichte: 10 …, 2018
Ivory, elites, and lineages in Copper Age Iberia. Exploring the wider significance of the Montelirio tomb
LG Sanjuán, ML Triviño, M Cintas-Peña
Madrider Mitteilungen 59, 22–65-22–65, 2018
A multimethod approach to the genesis of Menga, a World Heritage megalith
LG Sanjuán, A Medialdea, VB Nieto, C Athanassas, A Pike, CD Standish, ...
Quaternary Research, 1-20, 2022
Gender and Prehistory. Sexual division of labour in Spanish audiovisual productions
M Cintas-Peña, L García Sanjuán, B Morell
ArkeoGazte, 75-99, 2018
Women, residential patterns and early social complexity. From theory to practice in Copper Age Iberia
M Cintas-Pena, LG Sanjuán
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 67, 101422, 2022
Striking, colourful, smooth, rare: lithic resources and cultural choices in the architecture, sculpture and portable artefacts of the Palacio III tholos monument (Seville, Spain)
L García Sanjuan, JA Afonso Marrero, JA Lozano Rodríguez, ...
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2019
Disimetría sexual en la Prehistoria de Europa. Aproximación desde los contextos funerarios del Paleolítico superior
MC Peña
ArkeoGazte: Revista de arqueología-Arkelogia aldizkaria, 43-62, 2014
Las múltiples formas de lo sagrado: las imágenes portables del Neolítico final y la Edad del Cobre en el Sur de España
S García Pérez, V Hurtado Pérez, L García Sanjuán, M Cintas Peña
Ídolos: miradas milenarias, 2020
In the bosom of the Earth: a new megalithic monument at the Antequera World Heritage Site
LG Sanjuán, DW Wheatley, JAL Rodríguez, LS Evangelista, ACG García, ...
Antiquity, 1-20, 2023
Gender and Social Inequality
P Bickle, M Cintas-Peña
Gender Trouble and Current Archaeological Debates, 73-86, 2024
Nuevas aportaciones a la cronología numérica del Dolmen de Menga
L García Sanjuán, A Medialdea, V Balsera Nieto, CD Athanassas, MI Dias, ...
Almuzara y Universidad de Sevilla, 2022
Capítulo 5: Las cerámicas neolíticas del túmulo del Dolmen de Menga. Análisis de contenidos
N Garnier, LG Sanjuán, E Dodinet, MC Peña, J Guilaine
Dolmen de Menga. Intervención de 2005-2006: Investigando la génesis de un …, 2022
Isotopic Evidence for Mobility in the Copper and Bronze Age Cemetery of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid): a Diachronic Approach Using Biological and Archaeological Variables
M Cintas-Peña, R Garrido Pena, AM Herrero-Corral, R Flores Fernández, ...
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 1-33, 2023
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Articles 1–20