Offshoring in the Spanish footwear industry: a return journey? C Martínez-Mora, F Merino Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 20 (4), 225-237, 2014 | 232 | 2014 |
Family SMEs' Internationalization: Disentangling the Influence of Familiness on Spanish Firms' Export Activity F Merino, J Monreal‐Pérez, G Sánchez‐Marín Journal of Small Business Management 53 (4), 1164-1184, 2015 | 199 | 2015 |
A consistent analysis of diversification decisions with non observable firm-effects F Merino, DR Rodriguez Strategic Management Journal 18, 733-743, 1997 | 126 | 1997 |
Business services outsourcing by manufacturing firms F Merino, DR Rodríguez Industrial and Corporate Change 16 (6), 1147-1173, 2007 | 94 | 2007 |
Why do some areas depopulate? The role of economic factors and local governments F Merino, MA Prats Cities 97, 102506, 2020 | 73 | 2020 |
Empresa extranjera y manufactura española: Efectos directos e indirectos F Merino, V Salas Revista de Economía Aplicada, 105-131, 1995 | 66* | 1995 |
Are knowledge‐intensive services highly concentrated? Evidence from European Regions F Merino, L Rubalcaba Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 104 (2), 215-232, 2013 | 51* | 2013 |
Diferencias de eficiencia entre empresas nacionales y extranjeras en el sector manufacturero V Salas Fumás, F Merino de Lucas Papeles de Economía Española, 191-207, 1996 | 43 | 1996 |
La salida al exterior de la Pyme manufacturera española F Merino de Lucas Información Comercial Española, 13-24, 1998 | 42* | 1998 |
Actividad comercial en el exterior de las empresas manufactureras españolas y estrategias de diferenciación de producto L Moreno Martín, F Merino de Lucas Papeles de economía española, 107-123, 1996 | 38 | 1996 |
Sustainable beach management and promotion of the local tourist industry: Can blue flags be a good driver of this balance? F Merino, MA Prats Ocean & Coastal Management 198, 105359, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Back-shoring vs near-shoring: a comparative exploratory study in the footwear industry F Merino, C Di Stefano, L Fratocchi Operations Management Research 14, 17-37, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Consequences of sustainable innovations on the reshoring drivers’ framework C Martínez-Mora, F Merino Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 31 (7), 1373-1390, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Firms' internationalization and productivity growth F Merino Research in economics 66 (4), 349-354, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Diversificación y tamaño en las empresas industriales españolas F Merino, D Rodríguez Papeles de Economía Española, 236-248, 1999 | 30* | 1999 |
Incidence of cultural, economic, and environmental factors in the emergence of born‐global companies in Latin America CJ Prieto‐Sánchez, F Merino Global Strategy Journal 12 (2), 245-272, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
Firms’ productivity and internationalization: a statistical dominance test F Merino Applied Economics Letters 11 (13), 851-854, 2004 | 27 | 2004 |
Causes and consequences of exports' channel integration F Merino, V Salas Spanish economic review 4 (4), 239-259, 2002 | 27* | 2002 |
Evidencia empírica de los motivos del absentismo en los estudiantes universitarios J de Jorge Moreno, LG Gil, FM de Lucas, MS Triguero Revista de investigación en educación 9 (2), 76-90, 2011 | 25 | 2011 |
Estrategia y resultados de la empresa familiar FM de Lucas, VS Fumás Fundación Empresa Pública, 1993 | 24 | 1993 |