Carlos Iván Chesñevar
Carlos Iván Chesñevar
Institute for Researcher in Computer Science (ICIC Conicet-UNS), Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía
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Logical models of argument
CI Chesnevar, AG Maguitman, RP Loui
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 32 (4), 337-383, 2000
Towards an argument interchange format
C Chesnevar, S Modgil, I Rahwan, C Reed, G Simari, M South, ...
The knowledge engineering review 21 (4), 293-316, 2006
A logic programming framework for possibilistic argumentation: Formalization and logical properties
T Alsinet, CI Chesñevar, L Godo, GR Simari
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159 (10), 1208-1228, 2008
Computing generalized specificity
F Stolzenburg, AJ García, CI Chesnevar, GR Simari
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (1), 87-113, 2003
The added value of argumentation
S Modgil, F Toni, F Bex, I Bratko, CI Chesnevar, W Dvořák, MA Falappa, ...
Agreement technologies, 357-403, 2013
A logic programming framework for possibilistic argumentation with vague knowledge
C Chesnevar, G Simari, T Alsinet, L Godo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.4123, 2012
Argumentation and the dynamics of warranted beliefs in changing environments
M Capobianco, CI Chesnevar, GR Simari
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 11, 127-151, 2005
The role of dialectics in defeasible argumentation
GR Simari, CI Chesnevar, AJ Garcıa
Anales de la XIV Conferencia Internacional de la Sociedad Chilena para …, 1994
Arguenet: An argument-based recommender system for solving web search queries
CI Chesnevar, AG Maguitman
2004 2nd International IEEE Conference on'Intelligent Systems'. Proceedings …, 2004
A novel approach for classifying customer complaints through graphs similarities in argumentative dialogues
BA Galitsky, MP González, CI Chesñevar
Decision Support Systems 46 (3), 717-729, 2009
Formalizing dialectical explanation support for argument-based reasoning in knowledge-based systems
AJ García, CI Chesñevar, ND Rotstein, GR Simari
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (8), 3233-3247, 2013
Reasoning with inconsistent ontologies through argumentation
S Alejandro Gomez, C Ivan Chesnevar, GR Simari
Applied Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-2), 102-148, 2010
Empowering recommendation technologies through argumentation
CI Chesñevar, AG Maguitman, MP González
Argumentation in artificial intelligence, 403-422, 2009
Automatic vehicle identification for Argentinean license plates using intelligent template matching
NF Gazcón, CI Chesñevar, SM Castro
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (9), 1066-1074, 2012
Formalizing argumentative reasoning in a possibilistic logic programming setting with fuzzy unification
T Alsinet, CI Chesnevar, L Godo, S Sandri, G Simari
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48 (3), 711-729, 2008
An argumentative approach to assessing natural language usage based on the web corpus
CI Chesnevar, AG Maguitman
ECAI 16, 581, 2004
Argument-based critics and recommenders: A qualitative perspective on user support systems
CI Chesñevar, AG Maguitman, GR Simari
Data & Knowledge Engineering 59 (2), 293-319, 2006
Didactic strategies for promoting significant learning in formal languages and automata theory
CI Chesnevar, MP González, AG Maguitman
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 36 (3), 7-11, 2004
Integrating argumentation and sentiment analysis for mining opinions from Twitter
K Grosse, MP Gonzalez, CI Chesnevar, AG Maguitman
AI Communications 28 (3), 387-401, 2015
A Hybrid Approach To Pattern Classification Using Neural Networks and Defeasible Argumentation.
SA Gómez, CI Chesnevar
FLAIRS, 393-398, 2004
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Articles 1–20