Óscar Vicente-Chirivella
Óscar Vicente-Chirivella
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Do university technology transfers increase firms’ innovation?
M García-Vega, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
European Economic Review 123, 103388, 2020
Financial constraints and R&D and exporting strategies for Spanish manufacturing firms
JA Máñez, ME Rochina-Barrachina, JA Sanchis-Llopis, O Vicente
Industrial and Corporate Change 23 (6), 1563-1594, 2014
Banning mobile phones in schools: evidence from regional-level policies in Spain
P Beneito, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
Applied Economic Analysis, 2022
Exports of Spanish manufacturing firms and financial constraints
JA Máñez, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 24 (1), 53-90, 2021
Banning mobile phones at schools: Effects on bullying and academic performance
P Beneito, O Vicente-Chirivella
Discussion Papers in Economic Behaviour, 1-21, 2020
Robots and Firms' Labour Search: The Role of Temporary Work Agencies
P Beneito, M Garcia-Vega, O Vicente-Chirivella, G Wilemme
University of Nottingham, GEP, 2024
Financial constraints and Spanish manufacturing firms’ R&D and exporting strategies
JAME Máñez, SL Rochina-Barrachina, A Juan, O Vicente
The effect of technology transfers from public research institutes and universities on firm innovativeness
M García-Vega, O Vicente-Chirivella
Discussion Papers 10, 2020-10, 2020
The role of public external knowledge for firm innovativeness
M García-Vega, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
International Journal of Industrial Organization 93, 103056, 2024
Persistence and asymmetries in export and R&D: adoption sequence and the impact of the crisis
O Vicente, G Battisti
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 17417, 2017
University-to-industry knowledge transfers and firms’ resilience during the great recession: evidence for Spanish firms
D Añón Higón, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
Industry and Innovation, 1-30, 2024
Month of birth and aspirational career choice: a gender perspective
P Beneito, J Soria-Espín
Education Economics, 2023
Comparing standard with high-ability groups at university: differences in GPA for equally able students and gender-differentials
P Beneito, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22), 101-108, 2022
Banning mobiles in schools: evidence from regional-level policies in Spain
P Beneito, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
Emerald, 2022
The Role of Public External Knowledge for Firm Innovativeness
M Garcia de la Vega, Ó Vicente-Chirivella
Available at SSRN 4280301, 2022
Industry-University Links and Firms’ Resilience: Evidence for Spanish Firms
O Vicente, D Añon
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 10281, 2022
¿ Economía colaborativa? El caso AIRBNB
Ó Vicente Chirivella, I Turrillas Sabalza
Tirant lo Blanch, 2020
Synergies between R&D and exporting strategies and the impact of the financial and economic crises
O Vicente Chirivella
University of Warwick, 2019
R&D and firm resilience during bad times
M Garcia-Vega, O Vicente-Chirivella
University of Nottingham, GEP Discussion Papers, 2019
Financial constraints and Spanish manufacturing firms’ R&D and exporting
JA Máñez, ME Rochina-Barrachina, JA Sanchis-Llopis, O Vicente
Department of Applied Economics II, Universidad de Valencia Working Papers, 2013
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