Chaitanya Suárez-Rojas
Chaitanya Suárez-Rojas
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Do tourists value responsible sustainability in whale-watching tourism? Exploring sustainability and consumption preferences
C Suárez-Rojas, MM González Hernández, CJ León
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30 (8), 2053-2072, 2022
Sustainability in whale-watching: A literature review and future research directions based on regenerative tourism
C Suárez-Rojas, MMG Hernández, CJ León
Tourism Management Perspectives 47, 101120, 2023
Segmented importance-performance analysis in whale-watching: Reconciling ocean coastal tourism with whale preservation
C Suárez-Rojas, MG Hernández, CJ León
Ocean & Coastal Management 233, 106453, 2023
Factors constraining international growth in nautical tourism firms
YE Lam-González, C Suárez-Rojas, CJ León
Sustainability 11 (23), 6846, 2019
Valoración económica del ecoturismo: el caso del Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Flamencos (Colombia)
C Suárez-Rojas
Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo 29 (4), 1135-1154, 2020
What drives you to the sea? Animal rights, environmental protection and sensation seeking
C Suárez-Rojas, CJ León, YE Lam-González
Marine Policy 147, 105348, 2023
Mooring in the green room. Sailors’ preferences and willingness to pay for green policies in marinas
YE Lam-González, CJ León, J de León, C Suárez-Rojas
Journal of Cleaner Production 419, 138227, 2023
Downscaling climate change impacts, socio-economic implications and alternative adaptation pathways for islands and outermost regions
CJ León, YE Lam González, MM González Hernández, C García Galindo, ...
McGraw-Hill, 2021
The Impact of Degradation of Islands’ Land Ecosystems Due to Climate Change on Tourists’ Travel Decisions
YE Lam-González, CJ León, J de León, C Suárez-Rojas
Land 11 (10), 1644, 2022
Valoración económica de la actividad de observación de cetáceos en los destinos de la Macaronesia.
C Suárez-Rojas, YE Lam González, MM González Hernández, ...
Colectivo de autores, 2019
Whale-watching tourism: Future sustainability trends
C Suárez-Rojas, CJ León, J de León, YE Lam-González
Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning …, 2023
Assessing conditions and limitations to internationalisation in the context of nautical tourism
YE Lam-González, C Suárez Rojas
UCJC Business and Society Review, 2020
Satisfaction and sustainability concerns in whale-watching tourism: A user-generated content model
CJ León, C Suárez-Rojas, JM Cazorla-Artiles, MMG Hernández
Tourism Management 106, 105019, 2025
Avistamiento de ballenas y delfines: lo bueno, lo malo y lo peligroso
YE Lam González, C Suárez Rojas, JC Martín
The Conversation, 2024
Los navegantes demandan marinas sostenibles
YE Lam González, C Suárez Rojas, J De León Ledesma
The Conversation, 2024
Whale-watching tourism. Future sustainability trends
YELG Chaitanya Suárez-Rojas, Carmelo J León, Javier de León
Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning …, 2023
Whale-watching tourism: Future sustainability trends
CS Rojas, CJL González, J de León Ledesma, YEL González
Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning …, 2023
Dominican Republic Tourism
C Suárez Rojas, J De León Ledesma, YE Lam González
Springer, 2023
Análisis financiero y sectorial del turismo náutico
YE Lam González, J De León Ledesma, C Suárez Rojas, ...
Delta Publicaciones, 2023
Venezuela Tourism
YE Lam González, J De León Ledesma, C Suárez Rojas
Springer, 2023
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