Tim te Beek
Tim te Beek
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Protein structure analysis of mutations causing inheritable diseases. An e-Science approach with life scientist friendly interfaces
H Venselaar, TAH Te Beek, RKP Kuipers, ML Hekkelman, G Vriend
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-10, 2010
A series of PDB-related databanks for everyday needs
WG Touw, C Baakman, J Black, TAH Te Beek, E Krieger, RP Joosten, ...
Nucleic acids research 43 (D1), D364-D368, 2015
A series of PDB related databases for everyday needs
RP Joosten, TAH Te Beek, E Krieger, ML Hekkelman, RWW Hooft, ...
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_1), D411-D419, 2010
WIWS: a protein structure bioinformatics Web service collection
ML Hekkelman, TAH te Beek, SR Pettifer, D Thorne, TK Attwood, G Vriend
Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_2), W719-W723, 2010
Rates of lateral gene transfer in prokaryotes: high but why?
M Vos, MC Hesselman, TA Te Beek, MWJ van Passel, A Eyre-Walker
Trends in microbiology 23 (10), 598-605, 2015
A Co-Opted Hormonal Cascade Activates Dormant Adventitious Root Primordia upon Flooding in Solanum dulcamara
T Dawood, X Yang, EJW Visser, TAH Te Beek, PR Kensche, SM Cristescu, ...
Plant Physiology 170 (4), 2351-2364, 2016
MetiTree: a web application to organize and process high-resolution multi-stage mass spectrometry metabolomics data
M Rojas-Cherto, M van Vliet, JE Peironcely, R van Doorn, M Kooyman, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (20), 2707-2709, 2012
MetIDB: A Publicly Accessible Database of Predicted and Experimental 1H NMR Spectra of Flavonoids
VV Mihaleva, TAH te Beek, F van Zimmeren, S Moco, R Laatikainen, ...
Analytical chemistry 85 (18), 8700-8707, 2013
A novel hypomorphic CSF1R gene mutation in the biallelic state leading to fatal childhood neurodegeneration
PM Tamhankar, B Zhu, VP Tamhankar, S Mithbawkar, L Seabra, ...
Neuropediatrics 51 (04), 302-306, 2020
ODoSE: a webserver for genome-wide calculation of adaptive divergence in prokaryotes
M Vos, TAH te Beek, MA van Driel, MA Huynen, A Eyre-Walker, ...
PLoS One 8 (5), e62447, 2013
The future of HOPE: what can and cannot be predicted about the molecular effects of a disease causing point mutation in a protein?
F Camilli, A Borrmann, S Gholizadeh, TAH te Beek, RKP Kuipers, ...
EMBnet. journal 17 (1), 25-37, 2011
ODoSE: A Webserver for Genome-Wide Calculation of Adaptive Divergence in
M Vos, TAH te Beek, MA van Driel, MA Huynen, A Eyre-Walker
A hormonal network controls flooding-induced activation of dormant adventitious root primordia in Solanum dulcamara
T Dawood, X Yang, TAH te Beek, PR Kensche, SM Cristescu, S Lee, ...
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Articles 1–13