Carlos Sandino
Carlos Sandino
Postdoctoral Researcher, Universidad de Sevilla
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Cited by
Cited by
Numerical analysis of the influence of a nearby fibre on the interface crack growth under transverse tensile load
C Sandino, E Correa, F París
16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014, 8, 2014
A study of the influence of a nearby fibre on the interface crack growth under transverse compression in composite materials
C Sandino, E Correa, F París
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 193, 1-16, 2018
N Mestrano, C Simpson
New Spaces in Mathematics: formal and conceptual reflections, 462-504, 2021
Inter-fibre failure under biaxial loads in glass–epoxy composite materials: Effect of the presence of a nearby fibre
C Sandino, E Correa, F París
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 127, 103956, 2023
Composite materials under transverse biaxial loads: Study of the influence of a nearby fibre on the interface crack growth under tension
C Sandino, E Correa, F París
ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, 8, 2016
Non-intrusive Reduced Order Modelling Approaches
C Sandino, JV Aguado, F Chinesta
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering CMN2017 3, 5, 2017
Longitudinal fibre/matrix debonds in CFRP ultra-thin plies: TT cyclic testing and numerical prediction
S Sánchez-Carmona, C Sandino, E Correa, ML Velasco, A Barroso
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 190, 108610, 2025
Experimental study of the use of ultra-thin plies in quasi-isotropic laminates under cyclic tension after impact
C Sandino de Benito, S Sánchez-Carmona, E Correa Montoto, ...
Materiales Compuestos (2024). Vol. 08-COMUNICACIONES MATCOMP21 (2022) Y …, 2024
Gamificación en el aula mediante wooclap en títulos stem: experiencia práctica en elasticidad y resistencia de materiales
CS de Benito, SS Carmona, MLV López, EC Montoto
Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario, 1764-1776, 2024
Behaviour of fibre/matrix interface cracks under biaxial stress state caused by edge effect in carbon/epoxy laminates
S Sánchez-Carmona, C Sandino de Benito, E Correa Montoto, ...
Materiales Compuestos (2024). Vol. 08-Comunicaciones MATCOMP21 (2022) Y …, 2024
Teaching methodological model innovation in STEM subject through changes in the lecturer-student roles and gamification
SS Carmona, MLV López, CS de Benito, EC Montoto
Innovación docente e investigación en ciencias, ingeniería y arquitectura …, 2023
Extrusion foaming of linear and branched polypropylenes–input of the thermomechanical analysis of pressure drop in the die
C Sandino, E Peuvrel-Disdier, JF Agassant, P Laure, SAE Boyer, G Hibert, ...
International Polymer Processing 37 (4), 383-395, 2022
Analysis and Modelling of Extrusion Foaming Behaviour of Polyolefins using Isobutane and CO2
C Sandino, E Peuvrel-Disdier, JF Agassant, SAE Boyer, P Laure, G Hibert, ...
2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology, 2022
Foamability of linear and branched polypropylenes by physical extrusion foaming-Input of the thermomechanical analysis of pressure drop in the die
C Sandino, E Peuvrel-Disdier, JF Agassant, SAE Boyer, P Laure, G Hibert, ...
Annual European Rheology Conference, AERC 2022, 2022
Analysis of extrusion foaming of polyolefins using isobutane and CO2
C Sandino, E Peuvrel-Disdier, JF Agassant, SAE Boyer, P Laure, G Hibert, ...
55ème Congrès du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, 2021
Analysis and Modelling of Extrusion Foaming Behaviour of Low-Density Polyethylene using Isobutane and CO2
C Sandino, SAE Boyer, E Peuvrel-Disdier, P Laure, G Hibert, Y Trolez
Young Rheologists Days, 2021
Global-local separated representations based on the Proper Generalized Decomposition
CS de Benito
École centrale de Nantes, 2019
Influencia de la fricción en el crecimiento de grietas de interfase ante carga uniaxial de comprensión en materiales compuestos
CS de Benito, E Correa, FP Carballo
Anales de mecánica de la fractura, 267-272, 2019
Efecto de la presencia de una fibra vecina en el fallo de la matriz en material compuesto ante cargas biaxiales
C Sandino, E Correa, F París
XXXV Encuentro del Grupo Español de Fractura, Málaga (Spain), 2018
Efectos de la presencia de una fibra vecina en el fallo de la matriz en material compuesto ante cargas biaxiales
CS de Benito, E Correa, FP Carballo
Anales de mecánica de la fractura, 201-206, 2018
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Articles 1–20