Tim Hillel
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic review of machine learning classification methodologies for modelling passenger mode choice
T Hillel, M Bierlaire, M Elshafie, Y Jin
Journal of Choice Modelling 38, 100221, 2021
Recreating passenger mode choice-sets for transport simulation: A case study of London, UK
T Hillel, MZ Elshafie, Y Jin
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Smart Infrastructure and …, 2018
Assisted specification of discrete choice models
N Ortelli, T Hillel, FC Pereira, M de Lapparent, M Bierlaire
Journal of choice modelling 39, 100285, 2021
Capturing trade-offs between daily scheduling choices
J Pougala, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
Journal of Choice Modelling 43, 100354, 2022
DATGAN: Integrating expert knowledge into deep learning for synthetic tabular data
G Lederrey, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.03489, 2022
Weak teachers: Assisted specification of discrete choice models using ensemble learning
T Hillel, M Bierlaire, M Elshafie, Y Jin
hEART 2019, 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in …, 2019
Estimation of discrete choice models with hybrid stochastic adaptive batch size algorithms
G Lederrey, V Lurkin, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
Journal of choice modelling 38, 100226, 2021
Understanding travel mode choice: A new approach for city scale simulation
T Hillel
University of Cambridge, 2019
A prediction and behavioural analysis of machine learning methods for modelling travel mode choice
JÁ Martín-Baos, JA López-Gómez, L Rodriguez-Benitez, T Hillel, ...
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 156, 104318, 2023
OASIS: Optimisation-based activity scheduling with integrated simultaneous choice dimensions
J Pougala, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 155, 104291, 2023
Choice set generation for activity-based models
J Pougala, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2021), Ascona, Switzerland, 2021
New perspectives on the performance of machine learning classifiers for mode choice prediction
T Hillel
Tech. Rep, 2020
Estimating flexibility preferences to resolve temporal scheduling conflicts in activity-based modelling
P Manser, T Haering, T Hillel, J Pougala, R Krueger, M Bierlaire
Transportation 51 (2), 501-528, 2024
Empowering revealed preference survey with a supplementary stated preference survey: demonstration of willingness-to-pay estimation within a mode choice case
M Tabasi, A Raei, T Hillel, R Krueger, TH Rashidi
Travel Behaviour and Society 33, 100632, 2023
Simulating intra-household interactions for in- and out-of-home activity scheduling
N Rezvany, M Bierlaire, T Hillel
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 157, 2023
Modelling mobility tool availability at a household and individual level: A case study of Switzerland
T Hillel, J Pougala, P Manser, R Luethi, W Scherr, M Bierlaire
European Association for Research in Transportation, 2021
Scheduling of daily activities: an optimization approach
J Pougala, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
The 5th NYUAD Transportation Symposium, 2019
Parameter estimation for activity-based models
J Pougala, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
22rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2022), Ascona, Switzerland, 2022
Integrated models of transport and energy demand: A literature review and framework
N Rezvany, T Hillel, M Bierlaire
A new framework for assessing classification algorithms for mode choice prediction
T Hillel, M Bierlaire, M Elshafie, Y Jin
hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in …, 2018
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Articles 1–20