Oier Oñederra Leyaristi
Oier Oñederra Leyaristi
Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas de Energía Eléctrica - GISEL (UPV/EHU)
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Analysis of the current electric battery models for electric vehicle simulation
G Saldaña, JI San Martín, I Zamora, FJ Asensio, O Oñederra
Energies 12 (14), 2750, 2019
Electric vehicle into the grid: Charging methodologies aimed at providing ancillary services considering battery degradation
G Saldaña, JI San Martin, I Zamora, FJ Asensio, O Oñederra
Energies 12 (12), 2443, 2019
Three Phase VSI optimal switching loss reduction using Variable Switching Frequency
O Oñederra, I Kortabarria, I Martínez de Alegria, J Andreu, JI Gárate
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (8), 6570 - 6576, 2016
Empirical electrical and degradation model for electric vehicle batteries
G Saldaña, JI San Martín, I Zamora, FJ Asensio, O Oñederra, M González
Ieee Access 8, 155576-155589, 2020
Model for optimal management of the cooling system of a fuel cell-based combined heat and power system for developing optimization control strategies
FJ Asensio, JI San Martín, I Zamora, O Oñederra
Applied energy 211, 413-430, 2018
Analysis of electrochemical and thermal models and modeling techniques for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
FJ Asensio, JI San Martín, I Zamora, G Saldaña, O Oñederra
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113, 109283, 2019
MV cable modeling for application in the digital twin of a windfarm
O Oñederra, FJ Asensio, P Eguia, E Perea, A Pujana, L Martinez
2019 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 617-622, 2019
Empirical calendar ageing model for electric vehicles and energy storage systems batteries
G Saldana, JI San Martín, I Zamora, FJ Asensio, O Onederra, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 55, 105676, 2022
PEM fuel cells in applications of urban public transport
I Zamora, JI San Martín, J García, FJ Asensio, O Oñederra, JJ San Martín, ...
Renew Energ Power Qual J 9, 399, 2011
Overview of DC technology-Energy conversion
O Oñederra, H Odriozola, E Planas, I López, V López
Proc. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality 2013 …, 2013
A system approach to harnessing wind energy in a railway infrastructure
FJ Asensio, JI San Martín, I Zamora, O Onederra, G Saldaña, P Eguía
IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2018
Wind energy harnessing in a railway infrastructure: converter topology and control proposal
O Oñederra, FJ Asensio, G Saldaña, JIS Martín, I Zamora
Electronics 9 (11), 1943, 2020
Comparative analysis of GaN HEMT vs. Si CoolMOS for a high-frequency MMC topology
A Avila, A Garcia-Bediaga, O Oñederra, A Rujas, A Rodriguez
European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (ECCE), P.1 - P.9, 2017
Vehicle‐to‐grid charging control strategy aimed at minimizing harmonic disturbances
M Gonzalez, FJ Asensio, JI San Martín, I Zamora, JA Cortajarena, ...
International Journal of Energy Research 45 (11), 16478-16488, 2021
Commercial Electric Vehicle Battery Degradation modelling and charging assessing using a real driving cycle
G Saldaña, JI San Martín, FJ Asensio, I Zamora, O Oñederra, ...
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal 18, 315-320, 2020
Estado actual y avances en las tecnologías de ensamblado de los módulos de potencia asociados al vehículo eléctrico
I Aranzabal, A Matallana, O Oñederra, D Cabezuelo, ...
Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación …, 2016
An overview of ultracapacitors applicability in high power applications
V López, JL Martín, IM de Alegría, O Oñederra, H Ibaiondo
Optimal sizing and operation methodology for the on-board electrical generation and energy recovery system of an aircraft
FJ Asensio, JI San Martín, I Zamora, O Onederra, G Saldaña, M González
IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics …, 2020
Design of a bi-directional DC/DC converter for EV chargers oriented to V2G applications
M González-Pérez, FJ Asensio, JI San Martín, O Oñederra, I Zamora, ...
RE&PQJ 20 (2), 2022
Cycle-Life Curves Determination and Modelling of Commercially Available Electric Vehicle Batteries
G Saldaña, JI San Martín, FJ Asensio, I Zamora, O Oñederra, ...
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal 19, 287-292, 2021
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