Maria A. Prats (ORCID:0000-0002-0410-446X)
Maria A. Prats (ORCID:0000-0002-0410-446X)
Associate Professor of Applied Economics, University of Murcia, Spain
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Why do some areas depopulate? The role of economic factors and local governments
F Merino, MA Prats
Cities 97, 102506, 2020
Sustainable beach management and promotion of the local tourist industry: Can blue flags be a good driver of this balance?
F Merino, MA Prats
Ocean & Coastal Management 198, 105359, 2020
The Spanish term structure of interest rates revisited: cointegration with multiple structural breaks, 1974-2010
Esteve, V., MA Prats
International Review of Economics & Finance 25, 24-34, 2013
La utilización de medidas de política monetaria no convencional frente a la crisis financiera internacional
V Esteve, MA Prats
Revista Principios 19, 5-33, 2011
Fiscal sustainability in the european countries: a panel ARDL approach and a dynamic panel threshold model
MC Ramos-Herrera, MA Prats
Sustainability 12 (20), 8505, 2020
Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between stock prices and dividends
V Esteve, MA Prats
Applied Economics Letters 17 (4), 405-410, 2010
Are blue flags a good indicator of the quality of sea water on beaches? An empirical analysis of the Western Mediterranean basin
F Merino, MA Prats
Journal of Cleaner Production 330, 129865, 2022
The unconventional monetary policy of the European Central Bank: Effectiveness and transmission analysis
JA Zabala, MA Prats
The World Economy 43 (3), 794-809, 2020
Testing the expectations theory in a market of short-term financial assets
MA Prats, A Beyaert
Applied Financial Economics 8 (2), 101-109, 1998
A review on machine learning for asset management
PM Mirete-Ferrer, A Garcia-Garcia, JS Baixauli-Soler, MA Prats
Risks 10 (4), 84, 2022
Stock market and economic growth in Eastern Europe
MA Prats, B Sandoval, 2016
El mecanismo de transmisión de la política monetaria en la economía española y en el conjunto de la UEM
V Esteve, MA Prats
ICE, Revista de Economía 837, 31-55, 2007
Does stock market capitalization cause GDP? A causality study for the Central and Eastern European countries
MA Prats, B Sandoval
Economics: The OpenAccess, Open-Assessment E-Journal 14 (1), 20200017, 2020
Testing for multiple bubbles: historical episodes on the sustainability of public debt in Spain, 1850–2020
V Esteve, MA Prats
Applied Economic Analysis 31 (91), 1-18, 2023
La estructura temporal y las expectativas de tipos de corto plazo en el mercado interbancario español
A Beyaert, MA Prats, J García-Solanes
Moneda y Crédito 213 (213), 71-96, 2001
Consolidación fiscal, un análisis empírico para España
MA Prats, A Rocamora
Revista de Ciencias Sociales 24 (1), 9-21, 2018
Stock prices, dividends, and structural changes in the long-term: The case of US
V Esteve, M Navarro-Ibanez, MA Prats
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 52, 101126, 2020
The present value model of US stock prices revisited: long-run evidence with structural breaks, 1871-2010
V Esteve, M Navarro'Ibáñez, MA Prats
Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social Working Paper 4, 13, 2013
Análisis de la sostenibilidad de la deuda pública en España
MA Prats, A Rocamora
Revista de Ciencias Sociales 22 (2), 10-23, 2016
Desarrollo financiero y crecimiento económico: Un estudio empírico en países del Este de Europa
MAP Albentosa, BS Hellín
XXIII Encuentro de Economía Pública, 35, 2016
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Artículos 1–20