Sergey Budaev
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Using principal components and factor analysis in animal behaviour research: caveats and guidelines
SV Budaev
Ethology 116 (5), 472-480, 2010
" Personality" in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata): A correlational study of exploratory behavior and social tendency.
SV Budaev
Journal of Comparative Psychology 111 (4), 399, 1997
Light during embryonic development modulates patterns of lateralization strongly and similarly in both zebrafish and chick
RJ Andrew, D Osorio, S Budaev
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
Sex differences in the Big Five personality factors: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis
SV Budaev
Personality and individual differences 26 (5), 801-813, 1999
Individual differences in parental care and behaviour profile in the convict cichlid: a correlation study
SV Budaev, DD Zworykin, AD Mochek
Animal behaviour 58 (1), 195-202, 1999
Decision-making from the animal perspective: bridging ecology and subjective cognition
S Budaev, C Jørgensen, M Mangel, S Eliassen, J Giske
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 164, 2019
Personality traits and behaviour
S Budaev, C Brown
Fish cognition and behavior, 135-165, 2011
Alternative styles in the European wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus: boldness-related schooling tendency
SV Budaev
Environmental Biology of Fishes 49, 71-78, 1997
Consistency of individual differences in behaviour of the lion-headed cichlid, Steatocranus casuarius
SV Budaev, DD Zworykin, AD Mochek
Behavioural Processes 48 (1-2), 49-55, 1999
Avoidance learning and" personality" in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).
SV Budaev, AY Zhuikov
Journal of Comparative Psychology 112 (1), 92, 1998
Non-indigenous armoured catfish in Vietnam: invasion and systematics
DD Zworykin, SV Budaev
Ichthyological Research 60, 327-333, 2013
Patterns of early embryonic light exposure determine behavioural asymmetries in zebrafish: A habenular hypothesis
S Budaev, RJ Andrew
Behavioural Brain Research 200 (1), 91-94, 2009
How many dimensions are needed to describe temperament in animals: A factor reanalysis of two data sets
SV Budaev
International Journal of Comparative Psychology 11 (1), 1998
Individuality in fish behavior: Ecology and comparative psychology
SV Budaev, DD Zworykin
Journal of Ichthyology 42 (2), S189, 2002
Shyness and behavioural asymmetries in larval zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) developed in light and dark
SV Budaev, RJ Andrew
Behaviour, 1037-1052, 2009
Does parental fin digging improve feeding opportunities for offspring in the convict cichlid?
DD Zworykin, SV Budaev, AD Mochek
Environmental Biology of Fishes 57, 443-449, 2000
The statistical analysis of behavioural latency measures
S Budaev
ISCP Newsletter 14 (1), 1-4, 1997
Assessment of the role of chemoreception in the mate choice in barbs of the Barbus intermedius complex from Lake Tana, Ethiopia
DD Zworykin, SV Budaev, AA Darkov, KF Dzerzhinskii, BA Lyovin, ...
Journal of Ichthyology 46, 661-667, 2006
The dimensions of personality in humans and other animals: A comparative and evolutionary perspective
S Budaev
Computational animal welfare: towards cognitive architecture models of animal sentience, emotion and wellbeing
S Budaev, TS Kristiansen, J Giske, S Eliassen
Royal Society open science 7 (12), 201886, 2020
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