Fabián Casas
Fabián Casas
Department of Zoology, University of Granada
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Effects of hunting on the behaviour and spatial distribution of farmland birds: importance of hunting‐free refuges in agricultural areas
F Casas, F Mougeot, J Viñuela, V Bretagnolle
Animal Conservation 12 (4), 346-354, 2009
Effects of human activity on physiological and behavioral responses of an endangered steppe bird
R Tarjuelo, I Barja, MB Morales, J Traba, A Benítez-López, F Casas, ...
Behavioral Ecology 26 (3), 828-838, 2015
Agricultural practices or game management: which is the key to improve red-legged partridge nesting success in agricultural landscapes?
F Casas, J Viñuela
Environmental Conservation 37 (2), 177-186, 2010
Body condition and parasite intensity correlates with escape capacity in Iberian hares (Lepus granatensis)
V Alzaga, J Vicente, D Villanúa, P Acevedo, F Casas, C Gortázar
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62, 769-775, 2008
Sanitary risks of red-legged partridge releases: introduction of parasites
D Villanúa, L Pérez-Rodríguez, F Casas, V Alzaga, P Acevedo, J Viñuela, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 54, 199-204, 2008
Fitness consequences of anthropogenic hybridization in wild red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa, Phasianidae) populations
F Casas, F Mougeot, I Sánchez-Barbudo, JA Dávila, J Viñuela
Biological Invasions 14, 295-305, 2012
Adjustment of female reproductive investment according to male carotenoid-based ornamentation in a gallinaceous bird
C Alonso-Alvarez, L Pérez-Rodríguez, ME Ferrero, E García de-Blas, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66, 731-742, 2012
Prevalence of Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp. and Campylobacter sp. in the intestinal flora of farm-reared, restocked and wild red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa): is …
S Díaz-Sánchez, AM Moriones, F Casas, U Höfle
European journal of wildlife research 58, 99-105, 2012
Double‐nesting behaviour and sexual differences in breeding success in wild Red‐legged Partridges Alectoris rufa
F Casas, F Mougeot, J Vinuela
Ibis 151 (4), 743-751, 2009
Effect of game management on wild red-legged partridge abundance
S Diaz-Fernandez, B Arroyo, F Casas, M Martinez-Haro, J Vinuela
PLoS one 8 (6), e66671, 2013
Local differences in habitat selection by Great Bustards Otis tarda in changing agricultural landscapes: implications for farmland bird conservation
J Lopez-Jamar, F Casas, M Diaz, MB Morales
Bird Conservation International 21 (3), 328-341, 2011
First occurrence of Eucoleus contortus in a Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax: negative effect of Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa releases on steppe bird conservation?
D Villanúa, F Casas, J Viñuela, C Gortázar, E García de La Morena, ...
Ibis 149 (2), 2007
Bottoms up: great bustards use the sun to maximise signal efficacy
PP Olea, F Casas, S Redpath, J Viñuela
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 927-937, 2010
A temperature-based monitoring of nest attendance patterns and disturbance effects during incubation by ground-nesting sandgrouse
F Mougeot, A Benítez–López, F Casas, JT Garcia, J Viñuela
Journal of Arid Environments 102, 89-97, 2014
Intraspecific and interspecific competition induces density‐dependent habitat niche shifts in an endangered steppe bird
R Tarjuelo, MB Morales, B Arroyo, S Mañosa, G Bota, F Casas, J Traba
Ecology and evolution 7 (22), 9720-9730, 2017
Density dependence and habitat quality modulate the intensity of display territory defence in an exploded lekking species
MB Morales, F Casas, E García de la Morena, A Ponjoan, G Calabuig, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 1493-1504, 2014
Is the interaction between rabbit hemorrhagic disease and hyperpredation by raptors a major cause of the red-legged partridge decline in Spain?
JA Blanco-Aguiar, M Delibes-Mateos, B Arroyo, P Ferreras, F Casas, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 58, 433-439, 2012
Condition-and parasite-dependent expression of a male-like trait in a female bird
J Martinez-Padilla, P Vergara, L Pérez-Rodríguez, F Mougeot, F Casas, ...
Biology Letters 7 (3), 364-367, 2011
Does small‐game management benefit steppe birds of conservation concern? A field study in central S pain
A Estrada, M Delibes‐Mateos, J Caro, J Viñuela, S Díaz‐Fernández, ...
Animal Conservation 18 (6), 567-575, 2015
A resource-based modelling framework to assess habitat suitability for steppe birds in semiarid Mediterranean agricultural systems
L Cardador, M De Cáceres, G Bota, D Giralt, F Casas, B Arroyo, ...
PLoS One 9 (3), e92790, 2014
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