Tomas García Calvo
Tomas García Calvo
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Using self-determination theory to explain sport persistence and dropout in adolescent athletes
TG Calvo, E Cervelló, R Jiménez, D Iglesias, JAM Murcia
The Spanish journal of psychology 13 (2), 677-684, 2010
Relationships among goal orientations, motivational climate and flow in adolescent athletes: Differences by gender
JAM Murcia, EC Gimeno, DGC Coll
The Spanish journal of psychology 11 (1), 181-191, 2008
The importance of parents’ behavior in their children’s enjoyment and amotivation in sports
PA Sánchez-Miguel, FM Leo, D Sánchez-Oliva, D Amado, T García-Calvo
Journal of human kinetics 36, 169, 2013
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Flow State Scale
TG Calvo, RJ Castuera, FJSR Ruano, RR Vaíllo, EC Gimeno
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 11 (2), 660-669, 2008
Incidence of parental support and pressure on their children’s motivational processes towards sport practice regarding gender
D Amado, D Sánchez-Oliva, I González-Ponce, JJ Pulido-González, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0128015, 2015
A comparison of a GPS device and a multi-camera video technology during official soccer matches: Agreement between systems
E Pons, T García-Calvo, R Resta, H Blanco, R López del Campo, ...
PloS one 14 (8), e0220729, 2019
Perceived coach-created and peer-created motivational climates and their associations with team cohesion and athlete satisfaction: Evidence from a longitudinal study
T García-Calvo, FM Leo, I Gonzalez-Ponce, PA Sánchez-Miguel, ...
Journal of sports sciences 32 (18), 1738-1750, 2014
Desarrollo de un cuestionario para valorar la motivación en educación física
D Sánchez-Oliva, FML Marcos, D Amado, IGP Alonso, T García-Calvo
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte VOL. VII Nº …, 2012
Incidencia de la Teoría de Autodeterminación sobre la persistencia deportiva.(Incidence of Self-Determination Theory of sport persistence).
T García-Calvo, PAS Miguel, FML Marcos, DS Oliva, DA Alonso
RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte. doi: 10.5232/ricyde 7 …, 2011
Estudio de las relaciones entre motivación, práctica deportiva extraescolar y hábitos alimenticios y de descanso en estudiantes de Educación Física
R Jiménez-Castuera, E Cervelló-Gimeno, T García-Calvo, ...
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 7 (2), 385-401, 2007
Young tennis players’ competitive task involvement and performance: The role of goal orientations, contextual motivational climate, and coach-initiated motivational climate
E Cervelló, FJ Santos Rosa, TG Calvo, R Jiménez, D Iglesias
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 19 (3), 304-321, 2007
Metas sociales, necesidades psicológicas básicas y motivación intrínseca como predictores de la percepción del esfuerzo en las clases de educación física
JA Moreno-Murcia, EC Gimeno, CM Carretero, JAV Lacárcel, TG Calvo
Revista de psicología del deporte 21 (2), 215-221, 2012
Role ambiguity, role conflict, team conflict, cohesion and collective efficacy in sport teams: A multilevel analysis
FM Leo, I González-Ponce, PA Sánchez-Miguel, A Ivarsson, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 20, 60-66, 2015
Effects of awareness interventions on children's attitudes toward peers with a visual impairment
R Reina, V López, M Jiménez, T García-Calvo, Y Hutzler
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 34 (3), 243-248, 2011
Effect of a multi-dimensional intervention programme on the motivation of physical education students
D Amado, F Del Villar, FM Leo, D Sánchez-Oliva, PA Sánchez-Miguel, ...
PLOS one 9 (1), e85275, 2014
Interactive effects of team cohesion on perceived efficacy in semi-professional sport
FML Marcos, PAS Miguel, DS Oliva, TG Calvo
Journal of sports science & medicine 9 (2), 320, 2010
Perfiles motivacionales en Educación Física: una aproximación desde la teoría de las Metas de Logro 2x2
R Cuevas-Campos, T García-Calvo, O Contreras
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 29 (3), 685-692, 2013
Physical education lessons and physical activity intentions within Spanish secondary schools: A self-determination perspective
D Sanchez-Oliva, PA Sanchez-Miguel, FM Leo, FE Kinnafick, ...
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 33 (2), 232-249, 2014
Desarrollo y validación del cuestionario de apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas en educación física.
D Sánchez-Oliva, FM Leo, D Amado, R Cuevas, T García-Calvo
Motricidad: European Journal of Human Movement 30, 2013
El compromiso deportivo y su relación con factores disposicionales y situacionales de la motivación.
T García Calvo, FM Leo Marcos, E Martín Clemente, PA Sánchez Miguel
RICYDE. Revista internacional de Ciencias del Deporte/The International …, 2008
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