Julio R. Fernández García
Julio R. Fernández García
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Generating functions for computing power indices efficiently
JM Bilbao, JR Fernandez, AJ Losada, JJ Lopez
Top 8 (2), 191-213, 2000
Voting power in the European Union enlargement
JM Bilbao, JR Fernandez, N Jiménez, JJ Lopez
European Journal of Operational Research 143 (1), 181-196, 2002
Computing power indices in weighted multiple majority games
E Algaba, JM Bilbao, JRF Garcıa, JJ López
Mathematical Social Sciences 46 (1), 63-80, 2003
The distribution of power in the European Constitution
E Algaba, JM Bilbao, JR Fernández
European journal of operational research 176 (3), 1752-1766, 2007
Bicooperative games
JM Bilbao, JR Fernandez, AJ Losada, E Lebrón
Cooperative games on combinatorial structures. Kluwer Acad. Publ, 131-295, 2000
Generating functions for computing the Myerson value
JR Fernández, E Algaba, JM Bilbao, A Jiménez, N Jiménez, JJ López
Annals of Operations Research 109 (1), 143-158, 2002
The Shapley value for bicooperative games
JM Bilbao, JR Fernández, N Jiménez, JJ López
Annals of Operations Research 158 (1), 99-115, 2008
Games on fuzzy communication structures with Choquet players
A Jiménez-Losada, JR Fernández, M Ordóñez, M Grabisch
European Journal of Operational Research 207 (2), 836-847, 2010
Weighted multiple majority games with unions: Generating functions and applications to the European Union
JM Alonso-Meijide, JM Bilbao, B Casas-Méndez, JR Fernández
European Journal of Operational Research 198 (2), 530-544, 2009
Myerson values for games with fuzzy communication structure
A Jiménez-Losada, JR Fernández, M Ordóñez
Fuzzy sets and systems 213, 74-90, 2013
Avances en teoría de juegos con aplicaciones económicas y sociales
E Algaba Durán, JM Bilbao Arrese, FR Fernández García, ...
Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 1999
Biprobabilistic values for bicooperative games
JM Bilbao, JR Fernández, N Jiménez, JJ López
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (14), 2698-2711, 2008
Cooperation among agents with a proximity relation
JR Fernández, I Gallego, A Jiménez-Losada, M Ordóñez
European Journal of Operational Research 250 (2), 555-565, 2016
The core and the Weber set for bicooperative games
JM Bilbao, JR Fernández, N Jiménez, JJ López
International Journal of Game Theory 36, 209-222, 2007
A Banzhaf value for games with fuzzy communication structure: Computing the power of the political groups in the European Parliament
I Gallego, JR Fernández, A Jiménez-Losada, M Ordóñez
Fuzzy sets and systems 255, 128-145, 2014
A survey of bicooperative games
JM Bilbao, JR Fernández, N Jiménez, JJ López
Pareto Optimality, Game Theory And Equilibria, 187-216, 2008
The Lovász extension of market games
E Algaba, JM Bilbao, JR Fernández, A Jimenez
Essays in Cooperative Games: In Honor of Guillermo Owen, 229-238, 2004
Complejidad y algoritmos en juegos cooperativos
JR Fernández García
Complejidad y algoritmos en juegos cooperativos, 2000
The cg-position value for games on fuzzy communication structures
JR Fernández, I Gallego, A Jiménez-Losada, M Ordóñez
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 341, 37-58, 2018
Complexity in cooperative game theory
J Bilbao, J Fernández, J López
Manuscript, 2000
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Articles 1–20