Durdana Ozretic Dosen
Durdana Ozretic Dosen
Other namesĐurđana Ozretić Došen
Professor of Marketing, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business
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Osnove marketinga
J Previšić, Đ Ozretić Došen
Adverta, 2007
Assessments of country of origin and brand cues in evaluating a Croatian, western and eastern European food product
D Ozretic-Dosen, V Skare, Z Krupka
Journal of Business Research 60 (2), 130-136, 2007
Osnove marketinga usluga
Đ Ozretić Došen
Insights on integrated marketing communications: Implementation and impact in hotel companies
M Šeric, I Gil-Saura, Đ Ozretić-Došen
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (5), 958-979, 2015
How can perceived consistency in marketing communications influence customer–brand relationship outcomes?
M Šerić, Đ Ozretić-Došen, V Škare
European Management Journal 38 (2), 335-343, 2020
Međunarodni marketing
J Previšć, Đ Ozretić Došen
Masmedia, 1999
Comparing consumer innovativeness and ethnocentrism of young-adult consumers
M Rašković, Z Ding, V Škare, Đ Ozretić Došen, V Žabkar
Journal of Business Research 69 (9), 3682–3686, 2016
Osnove međunarodnog marketinga
J Previšić, Đ Ozretić Došen, Z Krupka
Školska knjiga, 0
The importance of branding in the development of marketing strategy of Croatia as tourist destination
Đ Ozretić Došen, T Vranešević, D Prebežac
Acta Turistica 10 (2), 110-127, 1998
Greening hotels - building green values into hotel services
D Hays, Đ Ozretić Došen
Tourism and hospitality management 20 (1), 85-102, 2014
The effects of marketing mix elements on service brand equity
E Rajh, Đ Ozretić Došen
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 22 (4), 69-83, 2009
Perceived risk influence on the consumer attitude to private labels in the product’s life cycle growth stage
S Horvat, Đ Ozretić Došen
Economic and business review 15 (4), 1, 2013
Measuring health care service quality by using SERVQUAL/Mjerenje kvalitete usluge primarne zdravstvene zastite SERVQUAL instrumentom
DO Dosen, V Skare, T Skare
Revija za socijalnu politiku 17 (1), 27-45, 2010
Understanding competition and service offer in museum marketing
T Komarac, D Ozretic-Dosen, V Skare
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 30 (2), 215-230, 2017
Assessment of the Quality of Public Hospital Healthcare Services by using SERVQUAL
D Ozretic Dosen, V Skare, V Cerfalvi, Z Bencekovic, T Komarac
Acta clinica Croatica 59 (2), 285-293, 2020
Impact of perceived brand name origin on fashion brand’s perceived luxury
Z Krupka, D Ozretic-Dosen, J Previsic
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 11 (3), 153-166, 2014
Managing edutainment and perceived authenticity of museum visitor experience: Insights from qualitative study
T Komarac, Đ Ozretić Došen, V Škare
Museum Management and Curatorship 35 (2), 160-181, 2020
Measuring the quality of banking services targeting student population
D Ozretic-Dosen, I Zizak
EuroMed Journal of Business 10 (1), 98-117, 2015
Discovering the determinants of museum visitors’ immersion into experience: the impact of interactivity, expectations, and skepticism
T Komarac, Đ Ozretić Došen
Current Issues in Tourism 25 (22), 3675-3693, 2022
Enabling innovation and creativity in market-oriented firms
L Božic, Ð Ozretic-Došen
Baltic Journal of Management 10 (2), 144-165, 2015
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Articles 1–20