Naoki Aizawa
Naoki Aizawa
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Equilibrium labor market search and health insurance reform
N Aizawa, H Fang
Journal of Political Economy 128 (11), 4258-4336, 2020
Advertising and risk selection in health insurance markets
N Aizawa, YS Kim
American Economic Review 108 (3), 828-67, 2018
Labor market sorting and health insurance system design
N Aizawa
Quantitative Economics 10 (4), 1401-1451, 2019
Public and Private Provision of Information in Market-Based Public Programs: Evidence from Advertising in Health Insurance Marketplaces
N Aizawa, YS Kim
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Interaction of the labor market and the health insurance system: employer-sponsored, individual, and public insurance
N Aizawa, C Fu
Labour Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labour Market for the Disabled
N Aizawa, S Kim, S Rhee
Review of Economic Studies, rdae015, 2024
Dynamic Pricing Regulation and Welfare in Insurance Markets
N Aizawa, A Ko
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Firm Accommodation After Disability: Labor Market Impacts and Implications for Social Insurance
N Aizawa, C Mommaerts, SL Rennane
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Explaining Heterogeneity in Use of Non-wage Benefits: The Role of Worker and Firm Characteristics in Disability Accommodations
N Aizawa, C Mommaerts, S Rennane
AEA Papers and Proceedings 112, 376-380, 2022
Labor Unions and Social Insurance
N Aizawa, H Fang, K Komatsu
WI22-02: Exploring Worker and Firm Characteristics that Drive Use of Accommodation for Workers with Disabilities
C Mommaerts, N Aizawa, S Rennane
Center for Financial Security, 2022
Public and Private Provision of Information in Market-Based Public Programs: Evidence from Advertising in Health Insurance Marketplaces
N Aizawa, YS Kim
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
WI20-02: Firm Investment, Labor Supply, and the Design of Social Insurance: Evidence from Accommodations for Workplace Disability
C Mommaerts, N Aizawa, S Rennane
Center for Financial Security, 2020
Labor market sorting and health insurance system design
N Aizawa
Quantitative Economics 10 (4), 1401-1451, 2019
Government Advertising in Market-Based Public Programs
N Aizawa, YS Kim
Proceedings. Annual Conference on Taxation and Minutes of the Annual Meeting …, 2019
Local Market Equilibrium and the Design of Public Health Insurance System
C Fu, N Aizawa
2017 Meeting Papers, 2017
Essays on health insurance market design and labor market interactions
N Aizawa
University of Pennsylvania, 2014
Online Appendix Advertising and Risk Selection in Health Insurance Markets
N Aizawa, YS Kim
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