Carmen Diaz-Roldan
Carmen Diaz-Roldan
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Is the budget deficit sustainable when fiscal policy is non-linear? The case of Spain
O Bajo-Rubio, C Diaz-Roldan, V Esteve
Journal of Macroeconomics 28 (3), 596-608, 2006
Foreign direct investment and regional growth: an analysis of the Spanish case
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Mora, C Díaz-Roldán
Regional Studies 44 (3), 373-382, 2010
Deficit sustainability and inflation in EMU: An analysis from the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
Ó Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán, V Esteve
European Journal of Political Economy 25 (4), 525-539, 2009
Searching for threshold effects in the evolution of budget deficits: An application to the Spanish case
O Bajo-Rubio, C Dı́az-Roldán, V Esteve
Economics Letters 82 (2), 239-243, 2004
Experimental verification of hybrid renewable systems as feasible energy sources
A Pérez-Navarro, D Alfonso, HE Ariza, J Cárcel, A Correcher, ...
Renewable Energy 86, 384-391, 2016
On the sustainability of government deficits: some long-term evidence for Spain, 1850–2000
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán, V Esteve
Journal of Applied Economics 13 (2), 263-281, 2010
US deficit sustainability revisited: A multiple structural change approach
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán, V Esteve
Applied Economics 40 (12), 1609-1613, 2008
Deficit sustainability, and monetary versus fiscal dominance: The case of Spain, 1850–2000
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán, V Esteve
Journal of Policy Modeling 36 (5), 924-937, 2014
Assessment and simulation of demand-side management potential in urban power distribution networks
A Gabaldon, A Molina, C Roldan, JA Fuentes, E Gómez, ...
2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 4, 5 pp. Vol. 4, 2003
Teoría y política macroeconómica
OB Rubio, CD Roldán
Antoni Bosch editor, 2011
Is the Fisher effect non-linear? Some evidence for Spain, 1963–2002
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán, V Esteve*
Applied Financial Economics 15 (12), 849-854, 2005
Sustainability of external imbalances in the OECD countries
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán, V Esteve
Applied Economics 46 (4), 441-449, 2014
Assessing the effectiveness of the EU's regional policies on real convergence: An analysis based on the HERMIN model
S Sosvilla-Rivero, O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán
European Planning Studies 14 (3), 383-396, 2006
Optimal endowments of public capital: an empirical analysis for the Spanish regions
O Bajo‐Rubio, C Díaz‐Roldán
Regional Studies 39 (3), 297-304, 2005
Insurance mechanisms against asymmetric shocks in a monetary union: A proposal with an application to EMU
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán
Recherches Economiques de Louvain/Louvain Economic Review 69 (1), 73-96, 2003
Do exports cause growth? Some evidence for the new EU members
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán
Post-Communist Economies 24 (1), 125-131, 2012
Política fiscal y crecimiento en las comunidades autónomas españolas
MDM Garcés, MCD Roldán, OB Rubio
Papeles de Economía Española, 203-218, 1999
Change of regime and Phillips curve stability: The case of Spain, 1964–2002
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán, V Esteve
Journal of Policy Modeling 29 (3), 453-462, 2007
Does the balance of payments constrain economic growth? Some evidence for the new EU members
O Bajo-Rubio, C Díaz-Roldán
Post-Communist Economies 21 (1), 41-46, 2009
Política fiscal y crecimiento: nuevos resultados para las regiones españolas, 1967-1995
MCD Roldán, OB Rubio
Investigaciones Regionales= Journal of Regional Research, 99-111, 2003
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Artículos 1–20