Luci Any Francisco Roberto
Luci Any Francisco Roberto
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Cited by
Periodic orbits and non-integrability of Armbruster-Guckenheimer-Kim potential
J Llibre, L Roberto
Astrophysics and Space Science 343 (1), 69-74, 2013
On the periodic solutions of a class of Duffing differential equations
J Llibre, LA Roberto
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series A 33 (1), 277-282, 2013
Branching of periodic orbits in reversible Hamiltonian systems
C Buzzi, LA Roberto, MA Teixeira
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.0656, 2010
On the periodic orbits of the third-order differential equation x‴− μx ″+ x′− μx= εF (x, x′, x ″)
J Llibre, L Roberto
Applied Mathematics Letters 26 (4), 425-430, 2013
On the periodic orbits and the integrability of the regularized Hill lunar problem
J Llibre, LA Roberto
Journal of mathematical physics 52 (8), 2011
New doubly-symmetric families of comet-like periodic orbits in the spatial restricted (N + 1)-body problem
J Llibre, LA Roberto
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 104, 307-318, 2009
Stability conditions for reversible and partially integrable systems
CA Buzzi, LAF Roberto, MA Teixeira
Portugaliae Mathematica 78 (1), 43-63, 2021
Phase portraits of the quadratic polynomial Liénard differential systems
MRA Gouveia, J Llibre, LA Roberto
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 151 (1 …, 2021
Asymptotic expansion of the heteroclinic bifurcation for the planar normal form of the 1: 2 resonance
LAF Roberto, PR Da Silva, J Torregrosa
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26 (01), 1650017, 2016
Orbitas periodicas em sistemas mecanicos
LAF Roberto
Tese de Doutorado, Unicamp, 2008
Phase Portraits of a Family of Hamiltonian Cubic Systems
MRA Gouveia, J Llibre, LA Roberto
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 1-9, 2024
Pseudo periodic orbits of the planar collision restricted 3-body problem in rotating coordinates
J Llibre, LA Roberto
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 71 (1-2), 58-65, 2009
Bifurcação de pontos de equilíbrio em sistemas acoplados com simetria do tipo produto coroa
LAF Roberto
Universidade de São Paulo, 2004
New doubly-symmetric families of comet like periodic orbits in the spatial restricted (N+ 1)–Body Problem
LA Roberto, J Llibre
Periodic orbits for a class of third-order differential equation
J Llibre, LA Roberto
Periodic orbits in reversible hamiltonian systems
CA Buzzi, MA Teixeira, LA Roberto
On the periodic orbits of the regularized Hill lunar problem
LAF Roberto
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Articles 1–17