Antonio Barrera-Escoda
Antonio Barrera-Escoda
Meteorological Service of Catalonia
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Floods in Catalonia (NE Spain) since the 14th century. Climatological and meteorological aspects from historical documentary sources and old instrumental records
MC Llasat, M Barriendos, A Barrera, T Rigo
Journal of hydrology 313 (1-2), 32-47, 2005
Stationarity analysis of historical flood series in France and Spain (14th–20th centuries)
M Barriendos, D Coeur, M Lang, MC Llasat, R Naulet, F Lemaitre, ...
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 3 (6), 583-592, 2003
Estimation of extreme flash flood evolution in Barcelona County from 1351 to 2005
A Barrera, MC Llasat, M Barriendos
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 6 (4), 505-518, 2006
Projections of temperature and precipitation extremes in the North Western Mediterranean Basin by dynamical downscaling of climate scenarios at high resolution (1971–2050)
A Barrera-Escoda, M Gonçalves, D Guerreiro, J Cunillera, JM Baldasano
Climatic Change 122, 567-582, 2014
Evolving flood patterns in a Mediterranean region (1301–2012) and climatic factors–the case of Catalonia
A Barrera-Escoda, MC Llasat
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (1), 465-483, 2015
From the concept of “Kaltlufttropfen”(cold air pool) to the cut-off low. The case of September 1971 in Spain as an example of their role in heavy rainfalls
MC Llasat, F Martín, A Barrera
Meteorology and Atmospheric physics 96, 43-60, 2007
Seasonal to yearly assessment of temperature and precipitation trends in the North Western Mediterranean Basin by dynamical downscaling of climate scenarios at high resolution …
M Gonçalves, A Barrera-Escoda, D Guerreiro, JM Baldasano, J Cunillera
Climatic change 122, 243-256, 2014
Climate change projections for Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). Part I: regional climate modeling
A Barrera-Escoda, J Cunillera
Tethys 8, 75-87, 2011
Extreme flash floods in Barcelona County
A Barrera, M Barriendos, MC Llasat
Advances in Geosciences 2, 111-116, 2005
The study of flood events from documentary sources: methodological guidelines for historical source identification and flood characterization in the Iberian Peninsula
M Barriendos, MC Llasat, A Barrera, T Rigo
Palaeofloods, Historical Floods and Climatic Variability: Applications in …, 2003
Modelling wind resources in climate change scenarios in complex terrains
M Gonçalves-Ageitos, A Barrera-Escoda, JM Baldasano, J Cunillera
Renewable energy 76, 670-678, 2015
Assessment of flash floods taking into account climate change scenarios in the Llobregat River basin
M Velasco, PA Versini, A Cabello, A Barrera-Escoda
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (12), 3145-3156, 2013
Técnicas de completado de series mensuales y aplicación al estudio de la influencia de la NAO en la distribución de la precipitación en España
A Barrera Escoda
Trabajo para la obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA). Barcelona …, 2004
Influence of solar forcing, climate variability and modes of low-frequency atmospheric variability on summer floods in Switzerland
JC Peña, L Schulte, A Badoux, M Barriendos, A Barrera-Escoda
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (9), 3807-3827, 2015
Assessment of future scenarios of climate and land-use changes in the IMPRINTS test-bed areas
A Cabello, M Velasco, JI Barredo, R Hurkmans, A Barrera-Escoda, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 14 (7), 884-897, 2011
Application of the MM5 and the analogous method to heavy rainfall event, the case of 16− 18 October 2003 in Catalonia (NE Spain)
Barrera, Llasat, Prat, Barnolas
Advances in Geosciences 7, 313-319, 2006
Climatological analysis of flood frequency in the Ter, Segre and Llobregat basins from the 14th to 20th century
MC Llasat, M Barriendos, A Barrera, T Rigo
Paleofloods, Historical Data and Climatic Variability, Applications in Flood …, 2003
Projeccions i escenaris de futur
J Calbó, A Sánchez-Lorenzo, J Cunillera, A Barreda-Escoda
Segon informe sobre el canvi climatic a Catalunya. Barcelona: Institut d …, 2010
Estimation of convective precipitation: the meteorological radar versus an automatic rain gauge network
MC Llasat, T Rigo, M Ceperuelo, A Barrera
Advances in Geosciences 2, 103-109, 2005
Intra-annual variability of the Western Mediterranean Oscillation (WeMO) and occurrence of extreme torrential precipitation in Catalonia (NE Iberia)
JA Lopez-Bustins, L Arbiol-Roca, J Martin-Vide, A Barrera-Escoda, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 2483-2501, 2020
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