Maria Simi
Maria Simi
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Experiments on the use of feature selection and negative evidence in automated text categorization
L Galavotti, F Sebastiani, M Simi
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 4th European …, 2000
A formalization of viewpoints
G Attardi, M Simi
Fundamenta informaticae 23 (2-4), 149-173, 1995
Accurate dependency parsing with a stacked multilayer perceptron
G Attardi, F Dell’Orletta, M Simi, J Turian
Proceedings of EVALITA 9, 1-8, 2009
PiQASso: Pisa Question Answering System.
G Attardi, A Cisternino, F Formica, M Simi, A Tommasi, C Zavattari
TREC, 2001
Blog Mining Through Opinionated Words.
G Attardi, M Simi
Trec, 2006
Metalanguage and reasoning across viewpoints
G Attardi, M Simi
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 413-422, 1984
Inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and programming languages
M Lenzerini, D Nardi, M Simi
John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1991
Consistency and Completeness of OMEGA, a Logic for Knowledge Representation.
G Attardi, M Simi
IJCAI, 504-510, 1981
Multilingual dependency parsing and domain adaptation using DeSR
G Attardi, F Dell’Orletta, M Simi, A Chanev, M Ciaramita
Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural …, 2007
Semantics of inheritance and attributions in the description system OMEGA
G Attardi, M Simi
Knowledge embedding in the description system omega
C Hewitt, G Attardi, M Simi
Proceedings of the First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 157-164, 1980
A description-oriented logic for building knowledge bases
G Attardi, M Simi
Proceedings of the IEEE 74 (10), 1335-1344, 1986
SPI: a system for palaeographic inspections
F Aiolli, M Simi, D Sona, A Sperduti, A Starita, G Zaccagnini
AIIA Notizie http://www. dsi. unifi. it/AIIA 4 (34-38), 7, 1999
TANL-1: coreference resolution by parse analysis and similarity clustering
G Attardi, M Simi, S Dei Rossi
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 108-111, 2010
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
C Bosco, S Montemagni, A Mazzei, V Lombardo, F Dell’Orletta, A Lenci, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources …, 2010
Comparing Italian parsers on a common treebank: the Evalita experience
C Bosco, A Mazzei, V Lombardo, G Attardi, A Corazza, A Lavelli, L Lesmo, ...
Proceedings of LREC 2008, 2066-2073, 2008
Web-based configuration assistants
G Attardi, A Cisternino, M Simi
AI EDAM 12 (4), 321-331, 1998
Reflections about Reflection.
G Attardi, M Simi
KR, 22-31, 1991
Extending the power of programming by examples
G Attardi, M Simi
ACM SIGOA Newsletter 3 (1-2), 52-66, 1982
Learning by creating historical buildings
M Bani, F Genovesi, E Ciregia, F Piscioneri, B Rapisarda, E Salvatori, ...
Learning and Teaching in the Virtual World of Second Life, Tapir Academic …, 2009
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Articles 1–20