Milagros Vivel Búa
Milagros Vivel Búa
Profesora Titular de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad (USC)
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Introducción a los mercados de futuros y opcions
J Hull
Sexta Edicion, 1996
Impact of location on profitability in the Spanish hotel sector
R Lado-Sestayo, L Otero-Gonzalez, M Vivel-Búa, O Martorell-Cunill
Tourism Management 52, 405-415, 2016
Competition, concentration and risk taking in Banking sector of MENA countries
LO González, A Razia, MV Búa, RL Sestayo
Research in International Business and Finance 42, 591-604, 2017
Survival in the lodging sector: An analysis at the firm and location levels
R Lado-Sestayo, M Vivel-Búa, L Otero-González
International Journal of Hospitality Management 59, 19-30, 2016
Market structure, performance, and efficiency: Evidence from the MENA banking sector
LO González, A Razia, MV Búa, RL Sestayo
International Review of Economics & Finance 64, 84-101, 2019
What Are the Driving Forces of Individuals' Retirement Savings?
S Fernández-López, L Otero, M Vivel, D Rodeiro
Finance a Uver: Czech Journal of Economics & Finance 60 (3), 2010
Influence of firm characteristics and the environment on hotel survival across MSMES segments during the 2007–2015 period
M Vivel-Búa, R Lado-Sestayo, L Otero-González
Tourism Management 75, 477-490, 2019
Financial planning for retirement: the role of income
M Vivel-Búa, L Rey-Ares, R Lado-Sestayo, S Fernández-López
International Journal of Bank Marketing 37 (6), 1419-1440, 2019
Determinants of TRevPAR: hotel, management and tourist destination
R Lado-Sestayo, M Vivel-Búa, L Otero-González
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (12), 3138-3156, 2017
Is value creation consistent with currency hedging?
M Vivel Búa, L Otero González, S Fernández López, P Durán Santomil
The European Journal of Finance 21 (10-11), 912-945, 2015
El riesgo cambiario y su cobertura financiera
Revista Galega de economía 19 (2), 1-5, 2010
Impact of the location and market structure in the performance of hotel establishments
R Lado-Sestayo, L Otero-González, M Vivel-Búa
Tourism & Management Studies 10 (2), 41-49, 2014
La estructura de capital de la PYME: un análisis empírico
L Otero, S Fernández, M Vivel
Conocimiento, innovación y emprendedores: camino al futuro, Universidad de …, 2007
The influence of social models on retirement savings: Evidence for European countries
L Rey-Ares, S Fernández-López, M Vivel-Búa
Social Indicators Research 136, 247-268, 2018
Exploring the gender effect on Europeans’ retirement savings
S Fernández-López, M Vivel-Búa, L Otero-González, P Durán-Santomil
Feminist Economics 21 (4), 118-150, 2015
Aproximación empírica aos problemas financeiros da peme industrial galega
LA Otero González, S Fernández López, MM Vivel Búa, ...
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2007
Impact of location on the probability of default in the Spanish lodging industry: A study of MSMEs
M Vivel-Bua, R Lado-Sestayo, L Otero-González
Tourism Economics 22 (3), 593-607, 2016
Risk determinants in the hotel sector: Risk credit in MSMEs
M Vivel-Búa, R Lado-Sestayo, L Otero-González
International Journal of Hospitality Management 70, 110-119, 2018
Profitability in the hotel sector: a PLS approach
R Lado-Sestayo, M Vivel-Búa
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 9 (3), 455-470, 2018
The determinants of privately saving for retirement: the cases of Portugal and Spain
L Rey-Ares, S Fernández-López, M Vivel-Búa
European Journal of Applied Business and Management 1 (1), 2015
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