Thales Rezende Souza
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Bilateral and unilateral increases in calcaneal eversion affect pelvic alignment in standing position
RZA Pinto, TR Souza, RG Trede, RN Kirkwood, EM Figueiredo, ...
Manual therapy 13 (6), 513-519, 2008
Myofascial force transmission between the latissimus dorsi and gluteus maximus muscles: an in vivo experiment
VO do Carmo Carvalhais, J de Melo Ocarino, VL Araújo, TR Souza, ...
Journal of biomechanics 46 (5), 1003-1007, 2013
Temporal couplings between rearfoot–shank complex and hip joint during walking
TR Souza, RZ Pinto, RG Trede, RN Kirkwood, ST Fonseca
Clinical biomechanics 25 (7), 745-748, 2010
Sports injury forecasting and complexity: a synergetic approach
ST Fonseca, TR Souza, E Verhagen, R Van Emmerik, NFN Bittencourt, ...
Sports medicine 50, 1757-1770, 2020
Validity and reliability of clinical tests for assessing hip passive stiffness
VO do Carmo Carvalhais, VL de Araújo, TR Souza, GGP Gonçalves, ...
Manual therapy 16 (3), 240-245, 2011
Non-linear finite element model to assess the effect of tendon forces on the foot-ankle complex
E Morales-Orcajo, TR Souza, J Bayod, EB de Las Casas
Medical engineering & physics 49, 71-78, 2017
Late rearfoot eversion and lower-limb internal rotation caused by changes in the interaction between forefoot and support surface
TR Souza, RZ Pinto, RG Trede, RN Kirkwood, AE Pertence, ST Fonseca
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 99 (6), 503-511, 2009
Avaliação isocinética da função muscular do quadril e do tornozelo em idosos que sofrem quedas
L Pinho, RC Dias, TR Souza, MTF Freire, CF Tavares, JMD Dias
Rev Bras Fisioter 9 (1), 93-9, 2005
Clinical measures of hip and foot–ankle mechanics as predictors of rearfoot motion and posture
TR Souza, MC Mancini, VL Araújo, VOC Carvalhais, JM Ocarino, PL Silva, ...
Manual therapy 19 (5), 379-385, 2014
Muscular performance characterization in athletes: a new perspective on isokinetic variables
GM Amaral, HVR Marinho, JM Ocarino, PLP Silva, TR Souza, ST Fonseca
Brazilian journal of physical therapy 18, 521-529, 2014
Effects of hip and trunk muscle strengthening on hip function and lower limb kinematics during step-down task
VL Araújo, TR Souza, VO do Carmo Carvalhais, AC Cruz, ST Fonseca
Clinical biomechanics 44, 28-35, 2017
A quick and reliable procedure for assessing foot alignment in athletes
LDM Mendonça, NFN Bittencourt, GM Amaral, LS Diniz, TR Souza, ...
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 103 (5), 405-410, 2013
Do exercise-based prevention programmes reduce non-contact musculoskeletal injuries in football (soccer)? A systematic review and meta-analysis with 13 355 athletes and more …
IR Lemes, RZ Pinto, VN Lage, BAB Roch, E Verhagen, C Bolling, ...
British journal of sports medicine 55 (20), 1170-1178, 2021
Prestress revealed by passive co-tension at the ankle joint
TR Souza, ST Fonseca, GG Gonçalves, JM Ocarino, MC Mancini
Journal of biomechanics 42 (14), 2374-2380, 2009
Validity and reliability of clinical tests for assessing passive ankle stiffness
VL Araújo, VOC Carvalhais, TR Souza, JM Ocarino, GGP Gonçalves, ...
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 15, 166-173, 2011
Pronação excessiva e varismos de pé e perna: relação com o desenvolvimento de patologias músculo-esqueléticas-revisão de literatura
TR Souza, RZA Pinto, RG Trede, PA Araújo, HL Fonseca, ST Fonseca
Fisioterapia e Pesquisa 18, 92-100, 2011
Is there a dose-response of medial wedge insoles on lower limb biomechanics in people with pronated feet during walking and running?
BL Costa, FA Magalhães, VL Araujo, J Richards, FM Vieira, TR Souza, ...
Gait & posture 90, 190-196, 2021
Applied biomechanics of soccer
ST Fonseca, TR Souza, JM Ocarino, GP Gonçalves, NF Bittencourt
Athletic and sport issues in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. St. Louis …, 2011
Foot pronation during walking is associated to the mechanical resistance of the midfoot joint complex
RBO Gomes, TR Souza, BDC Paes, FA Magalhães, BA Gontijo, ...
Gait & posture 70, 20-23, 2019
Myofascial force transmission in the lower limb: An in vivo experiment
HVR Marinho, GM Amaral, BS Moreira, TRT Santos, FA Magalhães, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 63, 55-60, 2017
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