Hector Guillermo Carreon Garciduenas
Hector Guillermo Carreon Garciduenas
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Thermoelectric nondestructive evaluation of residual stress in shot-peened metals
H Carreon, PB Nagy, MP Blodgett
Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 14 (2), 59-80, 2002
Thermoelectric detection of spherical tin inclusions in copper by magnetic sensing
H Carreon, PB Nagy, AH Nayfeh
Journal of applied physics 88 (11), 6495-6500, 2000
Study of aging effects in a Ti-6AL-4V alloy with Widmanstätten and equiaxed microstructures by non-destructive means
H Carreon, A Ruiz, B Santoveña
AIP Conference Proceedings 1581 (1), 739-745, 2014
Role of anisotropy in noncontacting thermoelectric materials characterization
AH Nayfeh, H Carreon, PB Nagy
Journal of applied physics 91 (1), 225-231, 2002
Utilization of ultrasonic measurements for determining the variations in microstructure of thermally degraded 2205 duplex stainless steel
A Ruiz, N Ortiz, H Carreón, C Rubio
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 28, 131-139, 2009
On the role of material property gradients in noncontacting thermoelectric NDE
H Carreon, B Lakshminarayan, WI Faidi, AH Nayfeh, PB Nagy
NDT & E International 36 (5), 339-348, 2003
Relation between hardness and ultrasonic velocity on pipeline steel welded joints
H Carreón, G Barrera, C Natividad, M Salazar, A Contreras
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 31 (2), 97-108, 2016
Assessment of blasting induced effects on medical 316 LVM stainless steel by contacting and non-contacting thermoelectric power techniques
H Carreon, S Barriuso, G Barrera, JL González-Carrasco, FG Caballero
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (11-12), 2941-2946, 2012
Assessment of precipitates of aged Ti-6Al-4V alloy by ultrasonic attenuation
H Carreon, M Carreon, A Dueñas
Philosophical Magazine 97 (1), 58-68, 2017
Fretting damage assessment in Ti-6Al-4V by magnetic sensing
H Carreon
Wear 265 (1-2), 255-260, 2008
Nondestructive characterization of the level of plastic deformation by thermoelectric power measurements in cold-rolled Ti–6Al–4V samples
H Carreon, A Medina
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 22 (4), 299-311, 2007
The effect of thermal aging on the strength and the thermoelectric power of the Ti-6AL-4V alloy
H Carreon, D San Martin, FG Caballero, VE Panin
Physical Mesomechanics 20, 447-456, 2017
Thermoelectric detection of fretting damage in aerospace materials
H Carreon
Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 50 (11), 684-692, 2014
Characterization of the alumina–zirconia ceramic system by ultrasonic velocity measurements
H Carreon, A Ruiz, A Medina, G Barrera, J Zarate
Materials Characterization 60 (8), 875-881, 2009
Caracterización microestructural y mecá nica de una soldadura disÃmil de aceros inoxidables 316l/alâ 6xn
R Briones, A RuÃz, C Rubio, H Carreon
Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales 34 (2), 306-315, 2014
Photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes by mesoporous nanocrystalline anatase
ML Carreon, HG Carreon, J Espino-Valencia, MA Carreon
Materials Chemistry and Physics 125 (3), 474-478, 2011
Detection of creep damage in a nickel-based superalloy turbine bucket using eddy current imaging
H Carreon
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 24 (1-2), 233-241, 2009
Thermoelectric non-destructive texture characterization in Ti-6Al-4V
H Carreon
NDT & E International 39 (6), 433-440, 2006
Thermoelectric detection of the magnetic field by fluxgate gradiometer on subsurface tin inclusions embedded in a copper bar
H Carreon
NDT & E International 39 (1), 22-28, 2006
Significance of the contacting and no contacting thermoelectric power measurements applied to grit blasted medical Ti6Al4V
H Carreon, S Barriuso, M Lieblich, JL González-Carrasco, JA Jiménez, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 33 (3), 1417-1422, 2013
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Articles 1–20