Daniele Casari
Cited by
Cited by
Color rendering plasmonic aluminum substrates with angular symmetry breaking
L Duempelmann, D Casari, A Luu-Dinh, B Gallinet, L Novotny
ACS nano 9 (12), 12383-12391, 2015
Nanoscale deformation mechanisms and yield properties of hydrated bone extracellular matrix
J Schwiedrzik, A Taylor, D Casari, U Wolfram, P Zysset, J Michler
Acta biomaterialia 60, 302-314, 2017
Effect of high strain rates and temperature on the micromechanical properties of 3D-printed polymer structures made by two-photon lithography
N Rohbeck, R Ramachandramoorthy, D Casari, P Schürch, TEJ Edwards, ...
Materials & Design 195, 108977, 2020
Microtensile properties and failure mechanisms of cortical bone at the lamellar level
D Casari, J Michler, P Zysset, J Schwiedrzik
Acta biomaterialia 120, 135-145, 2021
{101¯ 2} twinning mechanism during in situ micro-tensile loading of pure Mg: Role of basal slip and twin-twin interactions
NM Della Ventura, S Kalácska, D Casari, TEJ Edwards, A Sharma, ...
Materials & Design 197, 109206, 2021
Low‐Cost and Large‐Area Strain Sensors Based on Plasmonic Fano Resonances
F Lütolf, D Casari, B Gallinet
Advanced Optical Materials 4 (5), 715-721, 2016
A self-aligning microtensile setup: Application to single-crystal GaAs microscale tension–compression asymmetry
D Casari, L Pethö, P Schürch, X Maeder, L Philippe, J Michler, P Zysset, ...
Journal of Materials Research 34 (14), 2517-2534, 2019
Compressive strength of iliac bone ECM is not reduced in osteogenesis imperfecta and increases with mineralization
M Indermaur, D Casari, T Kochetkova, C Peruzzi, E Zimmermann, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 36 (7), 1364-1375, 2020
High strain rate in situ micropillar compression of a Zr-based metallic glass
R Ramachandramoorthy, F Yang, D Casari, M Stolpe, M Jain, ...
Journal of Materials Research 36, 2325-2336, 2021
Synthesis of model Al-Al2O3 multilayer systems with monolayer oxide thickness control by circumventing native oxidation
T Xie, TEJ Edwards, NM della Ventura, D Casari, E Huszár, L Fu, L Zhou, ...
Thin Solid Films 711, 138287, 2020
Stress induced martensite variants revealed by in situ high resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD)
A Arabi-Hashemi, Y Guo, J Michler, D Casari, C Leinenbach, X Maeder
Materials & Design 151, 83-88, 2018
Microscale compressive behavior of hydrated lamellar bone at high strain rates
C Peruzzi, R Ramachandramoorthy, A Groetsch, D Casari, P Grönquist, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 131, 403-414, 2021
Microtensile failure mechanisms in lamellar bone: influence of fibrillar orientation, specimen size and hydration
D Casari, T Kochetkova, J Michler, P Zysset, J Schwiedrzik
Acta biomaterialia 131, 391-402, 2021
Dynamic cryo-mechanical properties of additively manufactured nanocrystalline nickel 3D microarchitectures
J Schwiedrzik, R Ramachandramoorthy, TEJ Edwards, P Schürch, ...
Materials & Design 220, 110836, 2022
On the thinnest Al2O3 interlayers in Al‐based nanolaminates to enhance strength, and the role of constraint
TEJ Edwards, T Xie, NM della Ventura, D Casari, C Guerra, E Huszár, ...
Acta Materialia 240, 118345, 2022
Elevated and cryogenic temperature micropillar compression of magnesium–niobium multilayer films
K Thomas, G Mohanty, J Wehrs, AA Taylor, S Pathak, D Casari, ...
Journal of materials science 54, 10884-10901, 2019
Operando insights into correlating CO coverage and Cu–Au alloying with the selectivity of Au NP-decorated Cu 2 O nanocubes during the electrocatalytic CO 2 reduction
C Rettenmaier, A Herzog, D Casari, M Rüscher, HS Jeon, D Kordus, ...
EES catalysis 2 (1), 311-323, 2024
Does tissue fixation change the mechanical properties of dry ovine bone extracellular matrix?
M Indermaur, D Casari, T Kochetkova, BM Willie, J Michler, J Schwiedrzik, ...
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 150, 106294, 2024
Tensile mechanical properties of dry cortical bone extracellular matrix: a comparison among two osteogenesis imperfecta and one healthy control iliac crest biopsies
M Indermaur, D Casari, T Kochetkova, BM Willie, J Michler, J Schwiedrzik, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Plus 7 (12), e10826, 2023
Interfacial fracture behavior and adhesive strength in tensile and shear loading of SiC-PyC-SiC composites by micro-scale specimens
J Ast, C Tian, P Herre, N Rohbeck, D Casari, J Michler, SH Christiansen, ...
Acta Materialia 259, 119273, 2023
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Articles 1–20