Edoardo Traversa
Edoardo Traversa
professeur de droit fiscal, Université Catholique de Louvain
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Fighting Harmful Tax Competition through EU State Aid Law: Will the Hardening of Soft Law Suffice?
E Traversa, A Flamini
Eur. St. Aid LQ 14, 323, 2015
Tax incentives and territoriality within the European Union: balancing the internal market with the tax sovereignty of member states
E Traversa
World Tax J., 315, 2014
Legal remedies in European tax law
P Pistone
IBFD, 2009
State aid law and business taxation
I Richelle, W Schön, E Traversa
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016
Interest Deductibility and the BEPS Action Plan: nihil novi sub sole
E Traversa
British Tax Review 5, 611, 2013
Allocating Taxing powers within the European Union
I Richelle, W Schön, E Traversa
Springer, 2013
Is There Still Room Left in EU Law for Tax Autonomy of Member States’ Regional and Local Authorities?
E Traversa
EC tax review 20 (1), 2011
The impact of BEPS on the fight against harmful tax practices: risks... and opportunities for the EU
E Traversa, A Flamini
British tax review 3, 396-407, 2015
L'autonomie fiscale des Régions et des collectivités locales des Etats membres face au droit communautaire. Analyse et réflexion à la lumière des expériences belge et italienne
E Traversa
Direct taxation in the case-law of the European Court of Justice
J Malherbe, P Malherbe, I Richelle, E Traversa
Ten Years of Marks & Spencer
Y Brauner, AP Dourado, E Traversa
Intertax 43, 306, 2015
L’action de l’OCDE en matière de lutte contre l’évasion fiscale internationale et d’échange de renseignements: développements récents
E Traversa, M Possoz
Revue Générale Du Contentieux Fiscal, 5-24, 2015
The territoriality of tax incentives within the single market
E Traversa, B Vintras
Allocating taxing powers within the European Union, 171-196, 2013
The impact of the rulings of the European Court of Justice in the area of direct taxation
J Malherbe
COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: Solidarity in the European Union in the Time of COVID-19: Paving the Way for a Genuine EU Tax?
E Traversa, G Bizioli
Intertax 48 (8/9), 2020
EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy
JC Defraigne, J Wouters, E Traversa, D Zurstrassen
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022
Research Handbook on European Union Taxation Law
CHJI Panayi, W Haslehner, E Traversa
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Towards a Standing Committee pursuant to article 10 of the EU Tax Dispute Resolution Directive: a proposal for implementation
S Piotrowski, R Ismer, P Baker, J Monsenego, K Perrou, R Petruzzi, ...
Intertax 47, 678, 2019
La mise en œuvre de plan d’action BEPS de l’OCDE par l’Union européenne: la lutte contre l’évasion fiscale internationale prend-elle le pas sur l’achèvement du marché intérieur?
E Traversa, C Herbain, M Possoz
Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht 2017 (8), 2017
Supplementing Consolidation and Apportionment with anti-abuse provisions
M Gérard, E Traversa
Lange et al.(2010, ed.) Tax Treaties: Building Bridges between Law and …, 2010
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