Yuri Nahmad
Yuri Nahmad
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Epitaxial growth of granular single crystals
Y Nahmad-Molinari, JC Ruiz-Suarez
Physical Review Letters 89 (26), 264302, 2002
Inertia in the Brazil nut problem
Y Nahmad-Molinari, G Canul-Chay, JC Ruiz-Suárez
Physical Review E 68 (4), 041301, 2003
Sound in a magnetorheological slurry
Y Nahmad-Molinari, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, JC Ruiz-Suarez
Physical review letters 82 (4), 727, 1999
Molecular dynamics study of crystalline swelling of montmorillonite as affected by interlayer cation hydration
H Li, S Song, X Dong, F Min, Y Zhao, C Peng, Y Nahmad
Jom 70, 479-484, 2018
Does the reverse Brazil nut problem exist?
GA Canul-Chay, PA Belmont, Y Nahmad-Molinari, JC Ruiz-Suárez
Physical Review Letters 89 (18), 3423, 2002
Correlation between surface charge and hydration on mineral surfaces in aqueous solutions: A critical review
H Li, W Xu, F Jia, J Li, S Song, Y Nahmad
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 27, 857-871, 2020
Stick–slip motion and high speed ejecta in granular avalanches detected through a multi-sensors flume
R Bartali, D Sarocchi, Y Nahmad-Molinari
Engineering Geology 195, 248-257, 2015
Effective potentials of dissipative hard spheres in granular matter
RA Bordallo-Favela, A Ramírez-Saíto, CA Pacheco-Molina, ...
The European Physical Journal E 28, 395-400, 2009
Photoluminescence shift in frustules of two pennate diatoms and nanostructural changes to their pores
AEJVGM Nubia V. Arteaga-Larios, Yuri Nahmad, Hugo R. Navarro-Contreras
Luminescence 29 (8), 969-976, 2014
Low speed granular–granular impact crater opening mechanism in 2D experiments
R Bartali, Y Nahmad-Molinari, GM Rodríguez-Liñán
Earth, Moon, and Planets 116, 115-138, 2015
Runout transition and clustering instability observed in binary-mixture avalanche deposits
R Bartali, GM Rodríguez Liñán, LA Torres-Cisneros, G Pérez-Ángel, ...
Granular Matter 22, 1-18, 2020
Inhibiting the amine flotation of magnetite through aggregation with uniform low magnetic fields and no chemical depressants
A López-Valdivieso, MA Corona-Arroyo, A Encinas-Oropesa, ...
Minerals Engineering 119, 130-136, 2018
Clustering-induced attraction in granular mixtures of rods and spheres.
G Rodríguez-Liñán, G. M., Nahmad-Molinari, Y., & Pérez-Ángel
PloS one 11 (5), e0156153, 2016
Form From Projected Shadow (FFPS): An algorithm for 3D shape analysis of sedimentary particles
AM Ríos, D Sarocchi, Y Nahmad-Molinari, L Borselli
Computers & Geosciences 60, 98-108, 2013
Construction and optical testing of inflatable membrane mirror using structured light technique
F Patiño-Jiménez, Y Nahmad-Molinari, VI Moreno-Oliva, ...
International Journal of Photoenergy 2015 (1), 196186, 2015
Estudio de flujos granulares de tipo geológico por medio del simulador multisensor GRANFLOW-SIM
R Bartali, D Sarocchi, Y Nahmad-Molinari, LA Rodríguez-Sedano
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 64 (3), 265-275, 2012
Diffusivity and weak clustering in a quasi-two-dimensional granular gas
JA Perera-Burgos, G Pérez-Ángel, Y Nahmad-Molinari
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (5 …, 2010
Granular convection driven by shearing inertial forces
GM Rodriguez-Linan, Y Nahmad-Molinari
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (1 …, 2006
Role of the granular nature of meteoritic projectiles in impact crater morphogenesis
R Bartali, GM Rodríguez-Liñán, Y Nahmad-Molinari, D Sarocchi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.0259, 2013
Bouncing, rolling, energy flows, and cluster formation in a two-dimensional vibrated granular gas
G Pérez-Angel, Y Nahmad-Molinari
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (4 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20