Adrien Malaisé
Adrien Malaisé
PhD Student in Inria Nancy in France
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Cited by
Human movement and ergonomics: An industry-oriented dataset for collaborative robotics
P Maurice, A Malaisé, C Amiot, N Paris, GJ Richard, O Rochel, S Ivaldi
The International Journal of Robotics Research 38 (14), 1529-1537, 2019
Activity recognition for ergonomics assessment of industrial tasks with automatic feature selection
A Malaisé, P Maurice, F Colas, S Ivaldi
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 1132-1139, 2019
Activity recognition with multiple wearable sensors for industrial applications
A Malaisé, P Maurice, F Colas, F Charpillet, S Ivaldi
ACHI 2018-Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2018
Ethical and social considerations for the introduction of human-centered technologies at work
P Maurice, L Allienne, A Malaisé, S Ivaldi
2018 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 131-138, 2018
Towards attention monitoring of older adults with cognitive impairment during interaction with an embodied conversational agent
P Wargnier, A Malaisé, J Jacquemot, S Benveniste, P Jouvelot, M Pino, ...
2015 3rd IEEE VR International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive …, 2015
A variational time series feature extractor for action prediction
M Chaveroche, A Malaisé, F Colas, F Charpillet, S Ivaldi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.02350, 2018
One-shot evaluation of the control interface of a robotic arm by non-experts
S Marichal, A Malaisé, V Modugno, O Dermy, F Charpillet, S Ivaldi
Social Robotics: 8th International Conference, ICSR 2016, Kansas City, MO …, 2016
Online Human Activity Recognition for Ergonomics Assessment
A Malaisé, P Maurice, F Colas, S Ivaldi
JNRH 2018-Journées Nationales de la Robotique Humanoďde, 2018
Towards collaboration between professional caregivers and robots-A preliminary study
A Malaisé, S Nertomb, F Charpillet, S Ivaldi
International Conference on Social Robotics-Workshop “Using social robots to …, 2016
Apprentissage du mouvement humain ŕ l'aide de capteurs portés: vers l'automatisation de l'évaluation ergonomique
A Malaisé
Université de lorraine, 2020
One-shot evaluation of the control interface of a robotic arm by non-experts
S Marichal Baráibar, A Malaisé, V Modugno, O Dermy, F Charpillet, ...
Agah A, Cabibihan JJ, Howard A, Salichs M, He H, editors. Social Robotics …, 2016
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Articles 1–11