Dirk Foremny
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Citada per
Sub-national deficits in European countries: The impact of fiscal rules and tax autonomy
D Foremny
European journal of political economy 34, 86-110, 2014
Business taxes and the electoral cycle
D Foremny, N Riedel
Journal of Public Economics 115, 48-61, 2014
Relocation of the rich: Migration in response to top tax rate changes from Spanish reforms
DR Agrawal, D Foremny
Review of Economics and Statistics 101 (2), 214-232, 2019
Wealth tax mobility and tax coordination
DR Agrawal, D Foremny, C Martínez-Toledano
Available at SSRN 3676031, 2020
Strategic fiscal interaction across borders: Evidence from French and German local governments along the Rhine Valley
A Cassette, E Di Porto, D Foremny
Journal of Urban Economics 72 (1), 17-30, 2012
Overlapping political budget cycles
D Foremny, R Freier, MD Moessinger, M Yeter
Public Choice 177, 1-27, 2018
‘Ghost citizens': Using notches to identify manipulation of population-based grants
D Foremny, J Jofre-Monseny, A Solé-Ollé
Journal of Public Economics 154, 49-66, 2017
Decentralization and the duration of fiscal consolidation: Shifting the burden across layers of government
D Foremny, A Sacchi, S Salotti
Public Choice 171 (3), 359-387, 2017
Living at the peak: Health and public finance during the covid-19 pandemic
D Foremny, P Sorribas-Navarro, J Vall Castelló
Available at SSRN 3578483, 2020
Better fiscal rules for Europe: Reflections based on new empirical evidence
Z Asatryan, D Foremny, F Heinemann, A Solé-Ollé, T Stratmann, M Yeter
ZEW policy brief 2015, 2015
Fiscal federalism in times of crisis
D Foremny, J von Hagen
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP9154, 2012
Fiscal federalism in times of crisis: Sharing the cost of adjustment
J Von Hagen, D Foremny
Report on Fiscal Federalism 2012, 14-25, 2013
Sub-national budgetary discipline during times of crisis: the impact of fiscal rules and tax autonomy
J von Hagen, D Foremny
European Commission (EcFin), in European Economy, Economic Papers 501, 2013
Intertemporal Income Shifting and Tax Evasion: Evidence From an Uruguayan Tax Reform
D Foremny, L Muinelo-Gallo, J Vázquez‐Grenno
Available at SSRN 3300197, 2018
Who's coming to the rescue? Revenue-sharing slumps and implicit bailouts during the Great Recession
D Foremny, A Solé-Ollé
Revenue-Sharing Slumps and Implicit Bailouts During the Great Recession (May …, 2016
Revenue Slumps and Fiscal Capacity: Evidence from Brazil
C Ferraz, D Foremny, JF Santini
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024
Fiscal Decentralisation and Mobility: Evidence from Spain’s Income Tax System
DR Agrawal, D Foremny
ifo DICE Report 16 (2), 38-44, 2018
Income insecurity and mental health in pandemic times
D Foremny, P Sorribas-Navarro, JV Castelló
Economics & Human Biology 53, 101351, 2024
Tax Decentralization, Preferences for Redistribution, and Regional Identities
D Foremny
Preferences for Redistribution, and Regional Identities (February 27, 2024), 2024
Fiscal Federalism in Times of Crisis
J von Hagen, D Foremny
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2012
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20