Joaquin Peña
Joaquin Peña
Leguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad de Sevilla
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Mapping Feature Models onto Component Models to Build Dynamic Software Product Lines.
P Trinidad, AR Cortés, J Pena, D Benavides
SPLC (2), 51-56, 2007
Systems, methods and apparatus for modeling, specifying and deploying policies in autonomous and autonomic systems using agent-oriented software engineering
MG Hinchey, J Penn, R Sterritt
US Patent 7,992,134, 2011
A top down approach for mas protocol descriptions
J Peña, R Corchuelo, JL Arjona
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 45-49, 2003
From feature models to business processes
I Montero, J Pena, A Ruiz-Cortes
2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing 2, 605-608, 2008
Designing and managing evolving systems using a MAS product line approach
J Peña, MG Hinchey, M Resinas, R Sterritt, JL Rash
Science of Computer Programming 66 (1), 71-86, 2007
Multi-agent system product lines: challenges and benefits
J Pena, MG Hinchey, A Ruiz-Cortés
Communications of the ACM 49 (12), 82-84, 2006
Building the core architecture of a multiagent system product line: With an example from a future nasa mission
J Pena, MG Hinchey, A Ruiz-Cortés
Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering at 5th International Joint …, 2006
A model-driven architecture approach for modeling, specifying and deploying policies in autonomous and autonomic systems
J Pena, MG Hinchey, R Sterritt, A Ruiz-Cortes, M Resinas
2006 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure …, 2006
Building the core architecture of a NASA multiagent system product line
J Pena, MG Hinchey, A Ruiz-Cortés, P Trinidad
International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 208-224, 2006
Representing runtime variability in business-driven development systems
I Montero, J Peña, A Ruiz-Cortés
Seventh International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems …, 2008
On improving the modelling of complex acquaintance organisations of agents. A method fragment for the analysis phase
J Pena
University of Seville, PhD thesis, 2005
Towards interaction protocol operations for large multi-agent systems
J Peña, R Corchuelo, JL Arjona
International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, 79-91, 2002
Towards modeling, specifying and deploying policies in autonomous and autonomic systems using an AOSE methodology
J Pena, MG Hinchey, R Sterritt
Third IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic & Autonomous …, 2006
Towards clarifying the importance of interactions in agent-oriented software engineering
J Pena, R Levy, R Corchuelo
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 9 …, 2005
Modeling NASA swarm-based systems: using agent-oriented software engineering and formal methods
J Peña, CA Rouff, M Hinchey, A Ruiz-Cortés
Software & Systems Modeling 10 (1), 55-62, 2011
Interorganizational business modeling: an approach for traceability of goals, organizational models and business processes
J Bocanegra, J Pena, A Ruiz-Cortes
IEEE Latin America Transactions 9 (1), 847-854, 2011
Using formal methods and agent-oriented software engineering for modeling NASA swarm-based systems
CA Rouff, MG Hinchey, J Pena, A Ruiz-Cortes
2007 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 348-355, 2007
Managing the evolution of an enterprise architecture using a mas-product-line approach
J Pena, MG Hinchey, R Sterritt, JL Rash
International Worksop on System and Software Architectures (IWSSA 2006), 2006
Una aproximación mda para modelar transacciones de negocio a nivel cim
J Bocanegra, J Pena, A Ruiz-Cortés
Actas del Taller en Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos 2, 82-91, 2008
Business Family Engineering. Does It Make Sense?
I Montero, J Peña Siles, A Ruiz Cortés
Jornadas de Paralelismo. II Congreso Español De Informática, CEDI2007, 18º …, 2007
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20