Sergio Barrientos-Trigo
Sergio Barrientos-Trigo
Departamento de Enfermería, Universidad de Sevilla
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Cuidar al que cuida: el impacto emocional de la epidemia de coronavirus en las enfermeras y otros profesionales de la salud
MB Ferrán, S Barrientos-Trigo
Enfermería clínica 31, S35-S39, 2021
Personas mayores, dependencia y vulnerabilidad en la pandemia por coronavirus: emergencia de una integración social y sanitaria
AM Porcel-Gálvez, B Badanta, S Barrientos-Trigo, M Lima-Serrano
Enfermería clínica 31, S18-S23, 2021
Caring for the caregiver: The emotional impact of the coronavirus epidemic on nurses and other health professionals
B Ferrán, S Barrientos-Trigo
Enfermeria clinica (English Edition) 31, S35-S39, 2020
Investigación en metodología y lenguajes enfermeros
PE Pérez
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2020
Interventions to improve working conditions of nursing staff in acute care hospitals: Scoping review
S Barrientos‐Trigo, L Vega‐Vázquez, R De Diego‐Cordero, ...
Journal of nursing management 26 (2), 94-107, 2018
Consequences of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in adulthood. Scoping Review.
R Cáceres-Matos, E Gil-García, S Barrientos-Trigo, AM Porcel-Gálvez, ...
Revista de saude publica 54, 39, 2020
The nursing stress scale-spanish version: An update to its psychometric properties and validation of a short-form version in acute care hospital settings
AM Porcel-Gálvez, S Barrientos-Trigo, S Bermúdez-García, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (22), 8456, 2020
Design and validation of the INICIARE instrument, for the assessment of dependency level in acutely ill hospitalised patients
JM Morales‐Asencio, AM Porcel‐Gálvez, R Oliveros‐Valenzuela, ...
Journal of Clinical Nursing 24 (5-6), 761-777, 2015
Violencia en el noviazgo y su relación con la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés en jóvenes universitarios andaluces
L Tarriño-Concejero, M de los Ángeles García-Carpintero, ...
Enfermería clínica 33 (1), 48-60, 2023
Insomnia interventions in the workplace: a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Vega-Escaño, AM Porcel-Gálvez, R de Diego-Cordero, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (17), 6401, 2020
Psychometric testing of INTEGRARE, an instrument for the assesment of pressure ulcer risk in inpatients
AM Porcel‐Gálvez, R Romero‐Castillo, E Fernández‐García, ...
International journal of nursing knowledge 29 (3), 165-170, 2018
Instruments to measure quality of life in institutionalised older adults: systematic review
N del Rocío Santana-Berlanga, AM Porcel-Gálvez, A Botello-Hermosa, ...
Geriatric Nursing 41 (4), 445-462, 2020
Healthcare and health problems from the perspective of indigenous population of the Peruvian Amazon: a qualitative study
B Badanta, G Lucchetti, S Barrientos-Trigo, E Fernández-García, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (21), 7728, 2020
Expectativas profesionales del alumnado de enfermería desde un enfoque de género
AM Porcel-Gálvez, C Mercado-Begara, S Barrientos-Trigo, E Gil-García
Educación Médica Superior 29 (4), 890-905, 2015
Consecuencias del dolor crónico en la infancia y la adolescencia
R Cáceres-Matos, E Gil-García, S Barrientos-Trigo, E Molina, ...
Gaceta Sanitaria 33, 272-282, 2019
Elderly people, dependency and vulnerability in the coronavirus pandemic: an emergency for a social and health integration
AM Porcel-Gálvez, B Badanta, S Barrientos-Trigo, M Lima-Serrano
Enfermeria Clinica (English Edition) 31, S18-S23, 2020
Evaluation of psychometric properties of instruments measuring nursing‐sensitive outcomes: a systematic review
S Barrientos‐Trigo, E Gil‐García, JM Romero‐Sánchez, ...
International nursing review 66 (2), 209-223, 2019
Access to healthcare among Chinese immigrants living in Seville, Spain
B Badanta-Romero, G Lucchetti, S Barrientos-Trigo
Gaceta sanitaria 35, 145-152, 2021
Short version of the Multidimensional Scale of Dating Violence (MSDV 2.0) in Spanish‐language: Instrument development and psychometric evaluation
MÁ García‐Carpintero‐Muñoz, L Tarriño‐Concejero, E Gil‐García, ...
Journal of Advanced Nursing 79 (4), 1610-1631, 2023
Food patterns among Chinese immigrants living in the South of Spain
B Badanta, R de Diego-Cordero, L Tarriño-Concejero, J Vega-Escaño, ...
Nutrients 13 (3), 766, 2021
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