Francisca Avilés Nova
Francisca Avilés Nova
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Centro Universitario UAEM-Temascaltepec.
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Tipificación de los sistemas campesinos de producción de leche del sur del estado de México
P Hernández Morales, JG Estrada-Flores, F Avilés-Nova, G Yong-Angel, ...
Universidad y ciencia 29 (1), 19-31, 2013
Socioeconomic and productive characterization of dual-purpose farms oriented to milk production in a subtropical region of Mexico
B Albarrán-Portillo, S Rebollar-Rebollar, A García-Martínez, R Rojo-Rubio, ...
Tropical animal health and production 47, 519-523, 2015
Evaluation of nutritive value and palatability by goats and sheep of selected browse foliages from semiarid area of Kenya
IM Osuga, CC Wambui, SA Abdulrazak, T Ichinohe, T Fujihara
Animal Science Journal 79 (5), 582-589, 2008
Identificación, usos y medición de leguminosas arbóreas forrajeras en ranchos ganaderos del sur del estado de México
J Olivares-Pérez, F Avilés-Nova, B Albarrán-Portillo, S Rojas-Hernández, ...
Tropical and subtropical agroecosystems 14 (2), 739-748, 2011
Dinámicas y tendencias de la ganadería doble propósito en el sur del Estado de México
A García-Martínez, B Albarrán-Portillo, F Avilés-Nova
Agrociencia 49 (2), 125-139, 2015
Diagnóstico de la calidad sanitaria en las queserías artesanales del municipio de Zacazonapan, Estado de México
JJ Sánchez-Valdés, V Colín-Navarro, F López-González, F Avilés-Nova, ...
salud pública de méxico 58 (4), 461-467, 2016
On-farm evaluation of the effect of coffee pulp supplementation on milk yield and dry matter intake of dairy cows grazing tropical grasses in central Mexico
P Pedraza-Beltrán, JG Estrada-Flores, AR Martínez-Campos, ...
Tropical animal health and production 44, 329-336, 2012
Use of three fodder trees in the feeding of goats in the subhumid tropics in Mexico
JO Perez, FA Nova, BA Portillo, OAC Ortega, SR Hernandez
Tropical Animal Health and Production 45, 821-828, 2013
Nutritional quality of Pithecellobium dulce and Acacia cochliacantha fruits, and its evaluation in goats
J Olivares-Pérez, F Avilés-Nova, B Albarrán-Portillo, OA Castelán-Ortega, ...
Livestock Science 154 (1-3), 74-81, 2013
Producción de materia seca y componentes morfológicos de cuatro cultivares de Brachiaria en el trópico
S Rojas-Hernández, J Olivares-Pérez, R Jiménez-Guillén, ...
Avances en investigación agropecuaria 15 (1), 3-8, 2011
Effect of season on chemical composition and in situ degradability in cows and in adapted and unadapted goats of three Mexican browse species
LM Camacho, R Rojo, AZM Salem, FD Provenza, GD Mendoza, F Avilés, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 155 (2-4), 206-212, 2010
Agronomic evaluation and chemical composition of african star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus) in the southern region of the state of Mexico
F López-González, JG Estrada-Flores, F Avilés-Nova, G Yong-Angel, ...
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 12 (1), 1-9, 2010
Uso de bloques nutricionales como complemento para ovinos en el trópico seco del altiplano central de México
P Vazquez-Mendoza, OA Castelán-Ortega, A García-Martínez, ...
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 15 (1), 87-96, 2012
Identification, uses and measurement of fodders legumes trees in south farmers of the state of Mexico
J Olivares-Perez, F Aviles-Nova, B Albarrán-Portillo, S Rojas-Hernández, ...
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 14 (2), 739-748, 2011
Growth, feed utilization and nutrient digestibility in tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis aureus Steindachner) fed diets containing bacteria‐treated coffee pulp
JB Ulloa R, JAJ Verreth
Aquaculture Research 33 (3), 189-195, 2002
Sheep performance under intensive continuous grazing of native grasslands of Paspalum notatum and Axonopus compressus in the subtropical region of the …
F Avilés-Nova, A Espinoza-Ortega, OA Castelán-Ortega, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 40, 509-515, 2008
Productive response of lambs fed Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia fruits in a tropical region of Mexico
S Rojas-Hernandez, J Olivares-Perez, F Aviles-Nova, A Villa-Mancera, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 47, 1431-1436, 2015
Estimación del consumo de pasto estrella (Cynodon plectostachyus k. Schum.) por vacas lecheras en pastoreo mediante las técnicas de n-alcanos, diferencia en masa forrajera y …
I Estrada-López, F Avilés-Nova, JG Estrada-Flores, PE Pedraza-Beltrán, ...
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 17 (3), 463-477, 2014
Determinación del óptimo técnico y económico en una granja porcícola en Temascaltepec, Estado de México
SR Rebollar, GG Tenorio, JH Martínez, RR Rubio, FJG Razo, FA Nova
CIENCIA ergo-sum 14 (3), 255-262, 2007
Uses of non-leguminous trees in silvopastoral systems in the south of the State of Mexico
J Olivares-Pérez, S Rojas-Hernández, F Avilés-Nova, LM Camacho-Díaz, ...
Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios 3 (8), 193-202, 2016
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Artículos 1–20