Gergely Ganics
Gergely Ganics
Researcher, Banco de Espana
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From Fixed‐Event to Fixed‐Horizon Density Forecasts: Obtaining Measures of Multihorizon Uncertainty from Survey Density Forecasts
G Ganics, B Rossi, T Sekhposyan
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 56 (7), 1675-1704, 2024
Bayesian VAR forecasts, survey information, and structural change in the euro area
G Ganics, F Odendahl
International Journal of Forecasting 37 (2), 971-999, 2021
Optimal density forecast combinations
G Ganics
Banco de España Working Paper, 2018
Analysis of cyclical systemic risks in spain and of their mitigation through countercyclical bank capital requirements
Á Estrada, C Pérez Montes, J Abad, C Broto, E Cáceres García, A Ferrer, ...
Análisis de los riesgos sistémicos cíclicos en España y de su mitigación mediante requerimientos de capital bancario contracíclicos
Á Estrada, C Pérez Montes, J Abad, C Broto, E Cáceres, A Ferrer, J Galán, ...
Documentos Ocasionales/Banco de España, 2414, 2024
Confidence intervals for bias and size distortion in iv and local projections-iv models
G Ganics, A Inoue, B Rossi
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 39 (1), 307-324, 2021
Constructing fan charts from the ragged edge of SPF forecasts
TE Clark, G Ganics, E Mertens
Banco de Espana Working Paper, 2024
The EURIBOR surge and bank deposit costs: an investigation of interest rate pass-through and deposit portfolio rebalancing
A Ferrer, G Ganics, A Molina Iserte, JM Serena
Revista de Estabilidad Financiera/Banco de España, 44 (primavera 2023), p. 9-38, 2023
Confidence intervals for bias and size distortion in IV and local projections—IV models
G Ganics, A Inoue, B Rossi
Banco de España Working Paper, 2018
What is the Predictive Value of SPF Point and Density Forecasts?
TE Clark, G Ganics, E Mertens
FRB of Cleveland Working Paper, 2022
Essays in macroeconometrics
GÁ Gánics
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2017
A house price-at-risk model to monitor the downside risk for the Spanish housing market
G Ganics, M Rodríguez-Moreno
Banco de Espana Working Paper, 2023
Bayesian VAR forecasts, survey information and structural change in the euro area
G Ganics, F Odendahl
Banco de Espana Working Paper, 2020
What Is the Predictive Value of SPF Point and Density Forecasts?
G Ganics, E Mertens, TE Clark
Kiel, Hamburg: ZBW-Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, 2023
Constructing the Term Structure of Uncertainty from the Ragged Edge of SPF Forecasts
TE Clark, G Ganics, E Mertens
Working paper, 2022
Using External Judgment in Euro Area Predictions
G Ganics, F Odendahl
Análisis de los riesgos sistémicos cíclicos en España y de su mitigación mediante requerimientos de capital bancario contracíclicos
AE García, CP Montes, J Abad, C Broto, E Cáceres, AF Pérez, ...
Documentos ocasionales-Banco de España, 1, 2024
From Fixed-event to Fixed-horizon Density Forecasts: Obtaining Measures of Multi-horizon Uncertainty from Survey Density Forecasts
T Sekhposyan, G Ganics, B Rossi
1918, 2019
Banco de España macroeconomic projections: comparison with an econometric model
G Ganics, E Ortega
Economic Bulletin/Banco de España, 3/2019, 2019
Las previsiones macroeconómicas del Banco de España a la luz de un modelo econométrico
G Ganics, E Ortega
Boletín Económico/Banco de España, 3/2019, 2019
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20