Emily J. Ricketts
Emily J. Ricketts
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles
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Quality of life in children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder: base rates, parent–child agreement, and clinical correlates
CW Lack, EA Storch, ML Keeley, GR Geffken, ED Ricketts, TK Murphy, ...
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 44 (11), 935-942, 2009
An open trial of intensive family based cognitive-behavioral therapy in youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder who are medication partial responders or nonresponders
EA Storch, HD Lehmkuhl, E Ricketts, GR Geffken, W Marien, TK Murphy
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 39 (2), 260-268, 2010
Effects of tic suppression: ability to suppress, rebound, negative reinforcement, and habituation to the premonitory urge
MW Specht, DW Woods, CM Nicotra, LM Kelly, EJ Ricketts, CA Conelea, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 51 (1), 24-30, 2013
A randomized waitlist-controlled pilot trial of voice over Internet protocol-delivered behavior therapy for youth with chronic tic disorders
EJ Ricketts, AR Goetz, MR Capriotti, CC Bauer, NG Brei, MB Himle, ...
Journal of telemedicine and telecare 22 (3), 153-162, 2016
Parental experiences of having a child with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Associations with clinical characteristics and caregiver adjustment
EA Storch, H Lehmkuhl, SL Pence, GR Geffken, E Ricketts, JF Storch, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 18 (3), 249-258, 2009
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive–compulsive disorder: A non-randomized comparison of intensive and weekly approaches
EA Storch, LJ Merlo, H Lehmkuhl, GR Geffken, M Jacob, E Ricketts, ...
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (7), 1146-1158, 2008
A multicenter examination and strategic revisions of the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale
JF McGuire, J Piacentini, EA Storch, TK Murphy, EJ Ricketts, DW Woods, ...
Neurology 90 (19), e1711-e1719, 2018
Behavior therapy for tic disorders: an evidenced-based review and new directions for treatment research
JF McGuire, EJ Ricketts, J Piacentini, TK Murphy, EA Storch, AB Lewin
Current developmental disorders reports 2 (4), 309-317, 2015
The therapeutic alliance in the cognitive behavioral treatment of pediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder
ML Keeley, GR Geffken, E Ricketts, JPH McNamara, EA Storch
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 25 (7), 855-863, 2011
Convergent and discriminant validity of the Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-symptom checklist
J Gallant, EA Storch, LJ Merlo, ED Ricketts, GR Geffken, WK Goodman, ...
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (8), 1369-1376, 2008
Comparing the effects of differential reinforcement of other behavior and response‐cost contingencies on tics in youth with Tourette syndrome
MR Capriotti, BC Brandt, EJ Ricketts, FM Espil, DW Woods
Journal of applied behavior analysis 45 (2), 251-263, 2012
Identifying subtypes of trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) and excoriation (skin picking) disorder using mixture modeling in a multicenter sample
JE Grant, TS Peris, EJ Ricketts, C Lochner, DJ Stein, J Stochl, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 137, 603-612, 2021
Acceptance-enhanced behavior therapy for trichotillomania in adolescents
KM Fine, MR Walther, JM Joseph, J Robinson, EJ Ricketts, WE Bowe, ...
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 19 (3), 463-471, 2012
Skin picking disorder is associated with other body-focused repetitive behaviors: findings from an Internet study
I Snorrason, EJ Ricketts, CA Flessner, ME Franklin, DJ Stein, DW Woods
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 24 (4), 292-299, 2012
The phenomenology of hairpulling in college students
DC Duke, ML Keeley, EJ Ricketts, GR Geffken, EA Storch
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 32 (2), 281-292, 2010
A latent profile analysis of age of onset in pathological skin picking
EJ Ricketts, Í Snorrason, K Kircanski, JR Alexander, H Thamrin, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 87, 46-52, 2018
Recent advances in the understanding and treatment of trichotillomania
MR Walther, EJ Ricketts, CA Conelea, DW Woods
Journal of cognitive psychotherapy 24 (1), 46-64, 2010
Concurrent Validity of the Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale–Symptom Checklist
ML Sulkowski, EA Storch, GR Geffken, E Ricketts, TK Murphy, ...
Journal of Clinical Psychology 64 (12), 1338-1351, 2008
Comorbidity in trichotillomania (hair‐pulling disorder): A cluster analytical approach
C Lochner, NJ Keuthen, EE Curley, ES Tung, SA Redden, EJ Ricketts, ...
Brain and behavior 9 (12), e01456, 2019
Electric lighting, adolescent sleep and circadian outcomes, and recommendations for improving light health
EJ Ricketts, DS Joyce, AJ Rissman, HJ Burgess, CS Colwell, LC Lack, ...
Sleep Medicine Reviews, 101667, 2022
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