Jose Manuel Vassallo
Jose Manuel Vassallo
Profesor de Transportes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
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Sustainability assessment of transport infrastructure projects: A review of existing tools and methods
PC Bueno, JM Vassallo, K Cheung
Transport reviews 35 (5), 622-649, 2015
Infraestructura pública y participación privada: conceptos y experiencias en América y España
JM Vassallo Magro, R Izquierdo de Bartolomé
CAF, 2010
High Speed Rail and the tourism market: Evidence from the Madrid case study
F Pagliara, A La Pietra, J Gomez, JM Vassallo
Transport Policy 37, 187-194, 2015
Transportation infrastructure impacts on firm location: The effect of a new metro line in the suburbs of Madrid
L Mejia-Dorantes, A Paez, JM Vassallo
Journal of Transport Geography 22, 236-250, 2012
Traffic risk mitigation in highway concession projects: the experience of Chile
JM Vassallo
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 40 (3), 359-381, 2006
Nature or nurture: why do railroads carry greater freight share in the United States than in Europe?
JM Vassallo, M Fagan
Transportation 34, 177-193, 2007
High-speed rail versus air transportation: case study of Madrid–Barcelona, Spain
F Pagliara, JM Vassallo, C Román
Transportation Research Record 2289 (1), 10-17, 2012
Road freight transport decoupling: A comparative analysis between the United Kingdom and Spain
A Alises, JM Vassallo, AF Guzmán
Transport Policy 32, 186-193, 2014
Understanding the effects of transit benefits on employees’ travel behavior: Evidence from the New York-New Jersey region
PC Bueno, J Gomez, JR Peters, JM Vassallo
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 99, 1-13, 2017
Nuevos sistemas de gestión y financiación de infraestructuras de transporte
R Izquierdo, JM Vassallo
Comparison of road freight transport trends in Europe. Coupling and decoupling factors from an Input–Output structural decomposition analysis
A Alises, JM Vassallo
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 82, 141-157, 2015
Risk sharing in the new public works concession law in Spain
JM Vassallo, J Gallego
Transportation Research Record 1932 (1), 1-8, 2005
Private concession contracts for toll roads in Spain: analysis and recommendations
MÁ Baeza, JM Vassallo
Public Money & Management 30 (5), 299-304, 2010
Analysis of house prices to assess economic impacts of new public transport infrastructure: Madrid Metro Line 12
LM Dorantes, A Paez, JM Vassallo
Transportation research record 2245 (1), 131-139, 2011
Impact of the economic recession on toll highway concessions in Spain
JM Vassallo, A Ortega, MÁ Baeza
Journal of Management in Engineering 28 (4), 398-406, 2012
Minimum income guarantee in transportation infrastructure concessions in Chile
JM Vassallo, AS Soliño
Transportation research record 1960 (1), 15-22, 2006
Using public-private partnerships to expand subways: Madrid-Barajas international airport case study
AS Soliño, JM Vassallo
Journal of Management in Engineering 25 (1), 21-28, 2009
Adoption and frequency of use of ride-hailing services in a European city: The case of Madrid
J Gomez, Á Aguilera-García, FF Dias, CR Bhat, JM Vassallo
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 131, 103359, 2021
Effectiveness of safety-based incentives in Public Private Partnerships: Evidence from the case of Spain
T Rangel, JM Vassallo, B Arenas
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 46 (8), 1166-1176, 2012
Asociación público privada en América Latina. Aprendiendo de la experiencia
JMV Magro
Arquitectura 5, 00, 2010
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20