H H Wang
H H Wang
Professor of Education, Center for Teacher Education, National Taiwan University
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The social status of teachers in Taiwan
BJ Fwu, HH Wang
Comparative Education 38 (2), 211-224, 2002
Why teach science? Graduate science students' perceived motivations for choosing teaching as a career in Taiwan
HH Wang
International Journal of Science Education 26 (1), 113-128, 2004
Taiwanese students' self-attributions for two types of achievement goals
SW Chen, HH Wang, CF Wei, BJ Fwu, KK Hwang
The Journal of social psychology 149 (2), 179-194, 2009
From uniformity to diversification: Transformation of teacher education in pursuit of teacher quality in Taiwan from 1949 to 2000
B Fwu, H Wang
International Journal of Educational Development 22 (2), 155-167, 2002
Why Teach? The Motivation and Commitment of Graduate Students of a Teacher Education Program in a Research-Oriented University.
HH Wang, BJ Fwu
Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part C: Humanities and Social …, 2001
In pursuit of teacher quality in diversity: A study of the selection mechanisms of new secondary teacher education programmes in Taiwan
HH Wang, BJ Fwu
International Journal of Educational Development 27 (2), 166-181, 2007
I believe; therefore, I work harder: The significance of reflective thinking on effort-making in academic failure in a Confucian-heritage cultural context
BJ Fwu, SW Chen, CF Wei, HH Wang
Thinking skills and creativity 30, 19-30, 2018
擇其所愛, 愛其所擇: 從自我決定理論看大學多元入學制度中學生的科系選擇與學習成果
王秀槐, 黃金俊
教育科學研究期刊 55 (2), 1-27, 2010
“Once hired, seldom gone”: The deliberation process of beginning teachers in Taiwan in deciding to stay in teaching
HH Wang, BJ Fwu
Teaching and Teacher Education 37, 108-118, 2014
Effort counts: The moral significance of effort in the patterns of credit assignment on math learning in the Confucian cultural context
B Fwu, CF Wei, SW Chen, H Wang
International Journal of Educational Development 39, 157-162, 2014
A backup choice or not? Pre-service graduate students’ views of choosing teaching as a career in Taiwan
HH Wang, BJ Fwu
International Education Journal 3 (1), 33-46, 2002
Unpacking teacher candidates’ decision-making and justifications in dilemmatic spaces during the student teaching year
AC Ding, H Wang
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 46 (3), 221-238, 2018
‘Feeling bad’or ‘being bad?’The trapping effect of effort in academic failure in a Confucian cultural context
BJ Fwu, HH Wang, SW Chen, CF Wei
Educational Psychology 37 (4), 506-519, 2017
High-school teachers’ beliefs about effort and their attitudes toward struggling and smart students in a Confucian society
SW Chen, BJ Fwu, CF Wei, HH Wang
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1366, 2016
從 [以我為榮] 到 [證明自己]: 華人文化脈絡下知覺不同父母期待之大學生的生涯因應組型初探研究
輔導與諮商學報 37 (1), 79-97, 2015
The mediating role of self-exertion on the effects of effort on learning virtues and emotional distress in academic failure in a Confucian context
BJ Fwu, SW Chen, CF Wei, HH Wang
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 2047, 2017
Principals at the crossroads: Profiles, preparation and role perception of secondary school principals in Taiwan
B Fwu, H Wang
International Conference on School Leader Preparation, Licensure …, 2001
Practice makes perfect on the blackboard: A cultural analysis of mathematics instructional patterns in Taiwan
B Fwu, H Wang
ZDM 38, 368-375, 2006
問世間 [生涯] 為何物? 臺灣大學生生涯概念原型分析研究.
王秀槐, 陳珍德
Journal of Research in Education Sciences 64 (2), 2019
國中高, 低成就學生家庭環境與學習態度之比較研究
國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論, 台北市, 1984
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