Borja Navarro Colorado
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic review of deep learning approaches to educational data mining
A Hernández-Blanco, B Herrera-Flores, D Tomás, B Navarro-Colorado
Complexity 2019 (1), 1306039, 2019
Tipsem (english and spanish): Evaluating crfs and semantic roles in tempeval-2
H Llorens, E Saquete, B Navarro
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 284-291, 2010
UA-ZBSA: a headline emotion classification through web information
Z Kozareva, B Navarro, S Vázquez, A Montoyo
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations …, 2007
TimeML events recognition and classification: learning CRF models with semantic roles
H Llorens, E Saquete, B Navarro
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational …, 2010
On poetic topic modeling: extracting themes and motifs from a corpus of Spanish poetry
B Navarro-Colorado
Frontiers in Digital Humanities 5, 15, 2018
NATSUM: Narrative abstractive summarization through cross-document timeline generation
C Barros, E Lloret, E Saquete, B Navarro-Colorado
Information Processing & Management 56 (5), 1775-1793, 2019
Metrical annotation of a large corpus of spanish sonnets: representation, scansion and evaluation
B Navarro, MR Lafoz, N Sánchez
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
A metrical scansion system for fixed-metre Spanish poetry
B Navarro-Colorado
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 33 (1), 112-127, 2018
Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic annotation in Cast3LB
B Navarro, M Civit, MA Martí, R Marcos, B Fernández
Proceedings of SProLaC, 59-68, 2003
A computational linguistic approach to Spanish Golden Age Sonnets: metrical and semantic aspects
B Navarro
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Linguistics for …, 2015
Applying semantic knowledge to the automatic processing of temporal expressions and events in natural language
H Llorens, E Saquete, B Navarro-Colorado
Information Processing & Management 49 (1), 179-197, 2013
Corpus-based semantic role approach in information retrieval
P Moreda, B Navarro, M Palomar
Data & Knowledge Engineering 61 (3), 467-483, 2007
3LB: Construcción de una base de datos de árboles sintáctico-semánticos para el catalán, euskera y castellano.
M Palomar, M Civit, A Díaz, L Moreno, E Bisbal, M Aranzabe, A Ageno, ...
Procesamiento del lenguaje Natural 33, 2004
Aspectos retórico-comunicativos del desarrollo de sitios web
B Navarro Colorado
Alicante, Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad de …, 2003
Cross-document event ordering through temporal, lexical and distributional knowledge
B Navarro-Colorado, E Saquete
Knowledge-Based Systems 110, 244-254, 2016
Automatic system for identifying and categorizing temporal relations in natural language
H Llorens, E Saquete, B Navarro‐Colorado
International journal of intelligent systems 27 (7), 680-703, 2012
Metodología, construcción y explotación de corpus anotados semántica y anafóricamente
B Navarro Colorado
Universidad de Alicante, 2007
Design, compilation and annotation of a corpus for the detection of suicide messages in social networks
SZ Cremades, JM Gomez Soriano, B Navarro-Colorado
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 59, 65-72, 2017
GPLSIUA: Combining temporal information and topic modeling for cross-document event ordering
B Navarro, E Saquete
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2015
3LB-LEX: léxico verbal con frames sintáctico-semánticos
M Civit, I Aldezabal, E Pociello, M Taulé Delor, J Aparicio, L Màrquez, ...
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, 2005, num. 35, p. 367-373, 2005
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Articles 1–20