Ralf C. Staudemeyer
Ralf C. Staudemeyer
Professor mit Schwerpunkt IT-Sicherheit, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences
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Understanding LSTM—A tutorial into Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
RC Staudemeyer, ER Morris
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09586, 2019
Applying long short-term memory recurrent neural networks to intrusion detection
RC Staudemeyer
South African Computer Journal 56 (1), 136-154, 2015
Evaluating performance of long short-term memory recurrent neural networks on intrusion detection data
RC Staudemeyer, CW Omlin
Proceedings of the South African institute for computer scientists and …, 2013
Extracting salient features for network intrusion detection using machine learning methods
RC Staudemeyer, CW Omlin
South African computer journal 52 (1), 82-96, 2014
Towards quantifying the cost of a secure IoT: Overhead and energy consumption of ECC signatures on an ARM-based device
M Mössinger, B Petschkuhn, J Bauer, RC Staudemeyer, M Wójcik, ...
2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2016
ECDSA on things: IoT integrity protection in practise
J Bauer, RC Staudemeyer, HC Pöhls, A Fragkiadakis
Information and Communications Security: 18th International Conference …, 2016
Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things Communication in the SmartCity
RC Staudemeyer, HC Pöhls, BW Watson
Designing, developing, and facilitating Smart Cities: urban design to IoT …, 2017
Trusted IoT in the complex landscape of governance, security, privacy, availability and safety
EZ Tragos, JB Bernabe, RC Staudemeyer, JLH Ramos, A Fragkiadakis, ...
Digitising the Industry Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital …, 2016
The road to privacy in IoT: beyond encryption and signatures, towards unobservable communication
RC Staudemeyer, HC Pöhls, M Wójcik
2018 IEEE 19th International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2018
What it takes to boost Internet of Things privacy beyond encryption with unobservable communication: a survey and lessons learned from the first implementation of DC-net
RC Staudemeyer, HC Pöhls, M Wójcik
Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments 5, 41-64, 2019
Feature set reduction for automatic network intrusion detection with machine learning algorithms
R Staudemeyer, CW Omlin
Proceedings of the southern African telecommunication networks and …, 2009
Securing the Internet of Things–Security and Privacy in a Hyperconnected World
EZ Tragos, HC Pöhls, RC Staudemeyer, D Slamanig, A Kapovits, ...
Building the hyperconnected society-internet of things research and …, 2015
Android Data Storage Locations and What App Developers Do with It from a Security and Privacy Perspective
K Heid, T Tefke, J Heider, RC Staudemeyer
International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP …, 2022
Attacker models, traffic analysis and privacy threats in IP networks
RC Staudemeyer, D Umuhoza, CW Omlin
Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Telecommun.(ICT), 2005
A survey on anonymous communication systems with a focus on dining cryptographers networks
M Shirali, T Tefke, RC Staudemeyer, HC Pöhls
IEEE Access 11, 18631-18659, 2023
From Dining Cryptographers to dining things: Unobservable communication in the IoT
J Bauer, RC Staudemeyer
2017 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design …, 2017
The importance of time: Modelling network intrusions with long short-term memory recurrent neural networks
RC Staudemeyer
University of the Western Cape, 2012
Extracting speech from motion-sensitive sensors
S Azzakhnini, RC Staudemeyer
Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: ESORICS …, 2020
Privacy enhancing techniques in Smart City applications
RC Staudemeyer, HC Pöhls
University of Passau, Tech. Rep, 2015
Erstellung einer kollaborativen Arbeitsumgebung für die pandemiebedingte Online-Lehre—ein Praxisbericht
T Tefke, E Petri, RC Staudemeyer, T Kucza
Informatik Spektrum 45 (2), 106-114, 2022
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Artículos 1–20