Paul M. Vaaler
Paul M. Vaaler
University of Minnesota Law School & Carlson School of Management
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Same as it ever was: the search for evidence of increasing hypercompetition
G McNamara, PM Vaaler, C Devers
Strategic Management Journal 24 (3), 261-278, 2003
The price of democracy: sovereign risk ratings, bond spreads and political business cycles in developing countries
SA Block, PM Vaaler
Journal of International Money and Finance 23 (6), 917-946, 2004
Explaining the rise of diaspora institutions
A Gamlen, ME Cummings, PM Vaaler
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (4), 492-516, 2019
Immigrant remittances and the venture investment environment of developing countries
PM Vaaler
Journal of International Business Studies 42, 1121-1149, 2011
Crisis and competition in expert organizational decision making: Credit-rating agencies and their response to turbulence in emerging economies
PM Vaaler, G McNamara
Organization Science 15 (6), 687-703, 2004
Is performance driven by industry‐or firm‐specific factors? A response to Hawawini, Subramanian, and Verdin
G McNamara, F Aime, PM Vaaler
Strategic Management Journal 26 (11), 1075-1081, 2005
Counting the investor vote: Political business cycle effects on sovereign bond spreads in developing countries
PM Vaaler, BN Schrage, SA Block
Journal of international business studies 36, 62-88, 2005
Elections, opportunism, partisanship and sovereign ratings in developing countries
PM Vaaler, BN Schrage, SA Block
Review of Development Economics 10 (1), 154-170, 2006
How do MNCs vote in developing country elections?
PM Vaaler
Academy of Management Journal 51 (1), 21-43, 2008
Economic informality and the venture funding impact of migrant remittances to developing countries
C Martinez, ME Cummings, PM Vaaler
Journal of Business Venturing 30 (4), 526-545, 2015
Creative destruction: business survival strategies in the global Internet economy
LW McKnight, PM Vaaler, RL Katz
Mit Press, 2002
Corporate governance and MNE strategies in emerging economies
S Bhaumik, N Driffield, A Gaur, T Mickiewicz, P Vaaler
Journal of World Business 54 (4), 234-243, 2019
Residual state ownership, policy stability and financial performance following strategic decisions by privatizing telecoms
PM Vaaler, BN Schrage
Journal of International Business Studies 40, 621-641, 2009
Diaspora concentration and the venture investment impact of remittances
PM Vaaler
Journal of International Management 19 (1), 26-46, 2013
How well do supranational regional grouping schemes fit international business research models?
R Flores, RV Aguilera, A Mahdian, PM Vaaler
Journal of International Business Studies 44, 451-474, 2013
How do plural-sourcing firms make and buy? The impact of supplier portfolio design
M Sako, G Chondrakis, PM Vaaler
Organization Science 27 (5), 1161-1182, 2016
Risk and capital structure in Asian project finance
PM Vaaler, BE James, RV Aguilera
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 25, 25-50, 2008
Are technology-intensive industries more dynamically competitive? No and yes
PM Vaaler, G McNamara
Organization Science 21 (1), 271-289, 2010
The influence of competitive positioning and rivalry on emerging market risk assessment
G McNamara, PM Vaaler
Journal of International Business Studies 31, 337-347, 2000
Is it all a matter of grouping? Examining the regional effect in global strategy research
RV Aguilera, RG Flores, PM Vaaler
A New Generation in International Strategic Management, 209-228, 2007
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Articles 1–20