Antecedents and consequences of market orientation in public organisations A Cervera, A Mollá, M Sanchez European Journal of Marketing 35 (11/12), 1259-1288, 2001 | 310 | 2001 |
The value of B2B relationships I Gil‐Saura, M Frasquet‐Deltoro, A Cervera‐Taulet Industrial Management & Data Systems 109 (5), 593-609, 2009 | 289 | 2009 |
Sticking with your university: the importance of satisfaction, trust, image, and shared values W Schlesinger, A Cervera-Taulet, C Pérez-Cabañero Studies in Higher Education 42 (12), 2178-2194, 2017 | 269 | 2017 |
Collaborating to innovate: Effects on customer knowledge management and performance P Fidel, W Schlesinger, A Cervera Journal of business research 68 (7), 1426-1428, 2015 | 268 | 2015 |
Relationships among customer orientation, service orientation and job satisfaction in financial services I Gil Saura, G Berenguer Contrí, A Cervera Taulet, B Moliner Velázquez International journal of service industry management 16 (5), 497-525, 2005 | 253 | 2005 |
The roles of service encounters, service value, and job satisfaction in achieving customer satisfaction in business relationships I Gil, G Berenguer, A Cervera Industrial marketing management 37 (8), 921-939, 2008 | 235 | 2008 |
Brand assessment: a key element of marketing strategy H Calderon, A Cervera, A Molla Journal of product & brand management 6 (5), 293-304, 1997 | 182 | 1997 |
Value co-creation among hotels and disabled customers: An exploratory study S Navarro, L Andreu, A Cervera Journal of business research 67 (5), 813-818, 2014 | 166 | 2014 |
University–industry collaboration from a relationship marketing perspective: An empirical analysis in a Spanish University M Frasquet, H Calderón, A Cervera Higher Education 64, 85-98, 2012 | 156 | 2012 |
Estudio bibliométrico de los modelos de medición del concepto de calidad percibida del servicio en Internet EJ Duque-Oliva, A Cervera-Taulet, C Rodríguez-Romero INNOVAR. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales 16 (28), 223-243, 2006 | 146* | 2006 |
Sustainable entrepreneurial orientation: A business strategic approach for sustainable development A Criado-Gomis, A Cervera-Taulet, MA Iniesta-Bonillo Sustainability 9 (9), 1667, 2017 | 133 | 2017 |
Benchmarking the port services: a customer oriented proposal M Cuadrado, M Frasquet, A Cervera Benchmarking: An International Journal 11 (3), 320-330, 2004 | 104 | 2004 |
The influence of university brand image, satisfaction, and university identification on alumni WOM intentions W Schlesinger, A Cervera-Taulet, W Wymer Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 33 (1), 1-19, 2023 | 101 | 2023 |
Exploring the links between destination attributes, quality of service experience and loyalty in emerging Mediterranean destinations W Schlesinger, A Cervera-Taulet, C Pérez-Cabañero Tourism Management Perspectives 35, 100699, 2020 | 97 | 2020 |
Sustainable entrepreneurial orientation within an intrapreneurial context: effects on business performance A Criado-Gomis, MÁ Iniesta-Bonillo, A Cervera-Taulet International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 14, 295-308, 2018 | 96 | 2018 |
El papel de la confianza, la imagen y los valores compartidos en la creación de valor y lealtad: aplicación a la relación egresado-universidad W Schlesinger, A Cervera, H Calderón Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC 18 (2), 126-139, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
Exploring the concept of perceived sustainability at tourist destinations: A market segmentation approach R Sánchez-Fernández, MÁ Iniesta-Bonillo, A Cervera-Taulet Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 36 (2), 176-190, 2019 | 77 | 2019 |
“Sensing” the destination: Development of the destination sensescape index D Buzova, S Sanz-Blas, A Cervera-Taulet Tourism Management 87, 104362, 2021 | 75 | 2021 |
Medición de la imagen de la universidad y sus efectos sobre la identificación y lealtad del egresado: una aproximación desde el modelo de Beerli y Díaz (2003) A Cervera, W Schlesinger, MÁ Mesta, R Sánchez Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC 16 (2), 7-29, 2012 | 75 | 2012 |
Key elements in building relationships in the higher education services context W Schlesinger, A Cervera, MÁ Iniesta Journal of Promotion Management 21 (4), 475-491, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |