Llorenç Comajoan-Colomé
Llorenç Comajoan-Colomé
Universitat de Vic / CUSC-Universitat de Barcelona
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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The aspect hypothesis and the acquisition of L2 past morphology in the last 20 years: A state-of-the-scholarship review
K Bardovi-Harlig, L Comajoan
Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2020
Tense and Aspect in Second Language Spanish
L Comajoan
Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition, 235-252, 2013
Research design and methodology in studies on L2 tense and aspect
MR Salaberry, L Comajoan
Walter de Gruyter, 2013
The aspect hypothesis: Development of morphology and appropriateness of use
L Comajoan
Language Learning 56 (2), 201-268, 2006
The acquisition of perfective and imperfective morphology and the marking of discourse grounding in Catalan
L Comajoan
Tense and Aspect in Romance Languages: Theoretical and applied perspectives …, 2005
Grammaticalization and language acquisition: Interaction of lexical aspect and discourse
L Comajoan, MP Saldanya
Selected Proceedings of the 6th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and …, 2005
Order of acquisition and developmental readiness
K Bardovi‐Harlig, L Comajoan
The handbook of educational linguistics, 383-397, 2008
Changes in language use with peers during adolescence: a longitudinal study in Catalonia
F Xavier Vila, J Ubalde, V Bretxa, L Comajoan-Colomé
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-16, 2018
The early L2 acquisition of past morphology: Perfective morphology as an aspectual marker or default tense marker
L Comajoan
Selected Proceedings of the 6th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and …, 2005
El paisaje lingüístico en Cataluña: caracterización y percepciones del paisaje visual y auditivo en una avenida comercial de Barcelona
L Comajoan
Iberoamericana Vervuert Verlag, 2013
Changes in the linguistic confidence of primary and secondary students in Catalonia: a longitudinal study
V Bretxa, L Comajoan, J Ubalde, FX Vila
Language, Culture and Curriculum 29 (1), 56-72, 2016
The linguistic landscape of three streets in Barcelona: Patterns of language visibility in public space
LC Colomé, E Long
Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape, 183-203, 2012
Is science really English monoglot?: Language practices at a university research park in Barcelona
V Bretxa, L Comajoan, FXV i Moreno
Language Problems and Language Planning 40 (1), 47-68, 2016
Els usos lingüístics en família i amb amics de l’alumnat autòcton i al· lòcton de sisè de primària a Catalunya, Mallorca i la Franja
L Comajoan, FX Vila, V Bretxa, N Sorolla, X Tenorio, J Melià
Noves immigracions i llengües, 29-76, 2013
Integrating the analyses of tense and aspect across research and methodological frameworks
MR Salaberry, L Comajoan, P González
Research design and methodology in studies on L2 tense and aspect, 423-450, 2013
The acquisition of Catalan L2 past morphology: Evidence for the aspect and discourse hypotheses
LC Comajoan
Indiana University, 2001
Continuity and episodic structure in Spanish subject reference
L Comajoan
Functional approaches to Spanish syntax: Lexical semantics, discourse and …, 2006
Algunes bases per a la recerca sociolingüística en sentit ampli
V i Moreno, F Xavier
20120). Posar-hi la base. Usos i aprenentatges lingüístics en el domini …, 2012
La enseñanza de lenguas en España y el reto del multilingüismo europeo
L Comajoan
Hispania 93 (1), 123-129, 2010
The relation of second language acquisition, instructed second language acquisition, and language teaching from the lens of second language tense-aspect
K Bardovi-Harlig, L Comajoan-Colomé
Language Teaching, 1-57, 2022
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20